Chapter 19: fuck

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"You feel so far away"

Stokeley's pov...

"Stokeley you mess this up I'll fuck the shit out of you"he warned "whatever old man"I said rolling my eyes he turned around making me bump into him "don't make me embarrass you stokeley"he said growling as he held his hand out to help me stand up,

I accepted his hand as he pulled me up as we walked up to this house it was pretty nice actually,

Jah takes a deep breath as
he opens the door walking in as I followed behind him,

"Hi ma"he said,he looked nervous like a lot that it was even showing sweat was dripping from his temple "awww my baby is all grown up now"the woman said as he got up and hug jah,

He hugged back she detached herself from the hug "any ways jah is this your boyfriend"she cooed nudging him with a sly smirk jah blushed "y-yes ma" he stuttered he look so adorable,

"Awe your so adorable what's your name"she said appearing in front of me circling me checking me out,

"S-stokeley ma'am"I said respectfully as she gave me a warm smile "thank god jah find someone with manners"she said taking a deep breath she has a lot of energy she looks so young like in her early thirty's ,

"well ma that's enough what do you wanna talk about"he says carrying her into the kitchen leading her away from me,

I sighed she makes me nervous and she has a lot of energy reminds me of jah a little bit,

I was curious so I went upstairs exploring the house there were some cool paintings actually I opened the door walking in the room it was dark blue probably jah room,

I sat down on the bed as the bathroom door opened and it was that guy I saw from earlier,

He had on no shirt but only a
towel to cover his stuff I stood up quickly "I-Im so so sorry I didn't know this was your room"I nervously said covering my face,


"You can open your eyes now" he said chuckling fuck he is so cute when he does that.... I sound like a hoe,

I moved my hands from my face and looked up at him he still was fucking shirtless I blushed and tried to focus "I think you came in the wrong room which one your looking for"he says sitting down in his gaming chair turning on his ps4,

"I was looking for jah's room an—"i said to be cut off "and you walked in here sat on my bed and got comfortable?"he said laughing "pretty much I guess"I slowly said flabbergasted,

"You can play if you want there is another controller"he said spamming the controller his fingers must be mad buff how he doing that controller,

"Ye—"I said to get cut off from jah bursting in the room practically breaking the door down "there you are baby"he said as he grabbed my hand "jah I—"I was cut off again,

"Did he hurt you?"he questioned grabbing my face staring into my soul "n-"I was cut off by jah "stokeley step out the room for a second"he said looking at his brother as he paused his game getting up out his chair,

I shouldn't have came in this room

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