Chapter 2: Memories return

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Miydoria and Todoroki walked into the kitchen. Miydoria was practically on the edge of drooling from the delicious smell. "Take a seat it'll be done soon" Bakugo said in a gruff tone. Miydoria gave a small nod and walked over to the table taking a seat. Todoroki just hummed as he walked up behind Bakugo hugging him from behind. "Thanks kat..... what's for dinner?" " Humans taste in food is complete shit but I found one that will work, it's simple enough. It's called "burgers", apparently they haft to eat it cooked too, so that's new." Bakugo liked his meat raw, but since he is only part wolf if he eats too much cooked meat he could get ill. Todoroki likes his meat half cooked, cooked on the outside but a bit raw in the inside. "You slice up tomatoes, onions, pickles, lettuce, cheese, and have condiments with it like a sandwich." Todoroki doesn't release his hands from bakugos waist but simply turns his head to the table where Miydoria was mumbling to himself fidgeting with his hands. "Miydoria are burgers ok?" Miydoria snapped his head up "Yes! Ofcourse, I've only really ever had was moldy bread..... so I'm fine with anything you make!" Bakugo kept silent and Todoroki just nodded turning his focus back to the pan of cooking meat.

"Here you go extra." Bakugo says placing a plate of a burger and some mixed vegetables. "T-thank you." Miydoria wasn't gonna lie, Bakugos gaze of his fire like ruby eyes intimidated him. "And thank you again for letting me stay here for today Todoroki-kun, I can only hope there will be a day I will be able to repay the favor." One bite and Miydoria was on cloud nine, "THIS IS SO GOOD!" "Ofcourse it is! I made it after all!" Bakugo smirks and says with pride. "Indeed, it swells with flavor and goes well with blood as a condiment." Miydoria could only eat one burger to his dismay, his stomach not being used to eating this much. Feeling clean, full, and not in pain felt amazing. After all these exciting events tiredness started to dawn on him.

       Taking notice of the boy trying to stay awake in his chair. "Miydoria would you like to go to bed?" ....silence.... he feel asleep in the chair. "Bakugo can you take him to the spare room? I'll do dishes." Bakugo just grumbled to himself as he went to pick up the boy. "Carefully, kat."  Scooping the boy in his arms he made his way to the room. 'He certainty wasn't lying when he said he's only ever eaten bread, he's so light.' Bakugo layed the boy carefullly on the bed tucking him in, he couldn't put his finger on it but he seemed so familiar. He walked to the door taking one last look at the boy, before closing the door quietly behind him. 

      "I think he should stay here longer." This surprised Todoroki as he stopped what he was doing and turned around meeting the blondes gaze. "That's unlike you, why is this?" "Tch, it's hard to explain, but I feel like I've met him before and it's pissing me off not knowing..." "Very well, we will discuss this more in the evening. I'll meet you in bed" Bakugo left getting ready as his mind rambled on. 'Why can't I get him out of my damn head?!'

           Later that day

     "Kachan! Please, please don't leave me alone! Im scared, please don't leave me with them!" "I'm sorry Deku....."
Tears poured down that day along with pain and guilt."KACHAN-"

  Bakugo sat up quickly eyes wide with heavy breathing. "D-Deku?...." Todroki woke up groggily and confused, "Kat?..... whats wrong?" "........Nothing Shoto, go back to bed..... I just remembered something important is all, I'll explain later tonight." Todoroki wanted to interject but agreed nonetheless. 'How could I have forgotten you Deku?....'

Later that night after breakfast.

"Todoroki! Are you ready for a game of chess?" Since last day Bakugo hasn't left his room. He explained everything to  Shoto. "Yes I am ready, follow me to the library." "Ok, but is this game quick? I shouldn't stay too long." Miydoria did want to travel during the day to avoid any trouble, but should stick with night until he finds a place to stick for a while. "About that, Bakugo and I were wondering if you would like to stay here? In exchange you help us with some chores." Miydoria was baffled, it seemed to good to be true but was still cautious, WAY too good. "I don't think that's a good idea, Todoroki." "How about a test week then? You'll stay here for a week, doing tasks to see if you will take the offer or not. At the end of the week if you still decide to leave you are more than welcome to. The choice is up to you." Todoroki said stopping in his tracks turning around to look at Miydoria. Miydoria thought about it, "I'll give you my answer after this game." Todoroki nodded and kept walking down the hall reaching the room. After exposing the rules they played a game. Miydoria did way better than he thought. And that's impressive considering Todoroki is undefeated in chess.
Catching him off guard with a "checkmate!" He couldn't help show shock on his face and a small smile. It's been a while since he actually had trouble with an opponent. "You learned very quickly Miydoria, you have my respect." Miydoria chuckled and blushed at the compliment "Nah, you were just going easy on me" That wasn't true in the slightest, he was raised to never go easy, and not once did he let Miydoria purposely take his pieces. It was a fair game to the bitter end.

"Also..... I thought about your offer.... and I would like to take the test week. I mean, it's not like I have any other place to go...." Todoroki smiled, it was getting interesting. Not only did he focus on the game with intensity, but he also thought about another important topic at once.
"Glad to hear it Miydoria, I have a question though." Miydoria smiled tilting his head, "and what is that?" "Is.... Bakugo familiar to you?" ......... "Does, he remeber?....." Todoroki stayed silent only with a simple nod. Miydoria reared up shaking.

"Miydoria doesn't remeber you Bakugo, however he agreed to stay for a week thinking about our offer." Bakugo sighed, "I didn't think he would..... it's been about fifteen years now...."


"Todoroki please do not tell him I remember. I want to tell him when the time comes right." Todoroki thought about it, "As you wish, but can you explain a bit more." "I-.... I never held a grudge for what he did to me.... but I want to see for myself that he truly does miss and regret what he did with my own eyes and ears."

"Kat, maybe it's best if you spend sometime with him, maybe it'll spark something in him."

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