Chapter One-Part One

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      Ten days had passed since Rebecca's disappearance. Everything was supposed to be normal, but it couldn't have felt any worse for Karmen as she attended a lecture for Annalise's class.

      "Statistically if you're going to be murdered, your killer will be someone you know." Professor Keating told her students. "An acquaintance, a friend, a family member, your lover. Why is that? Why are we more inclined to hurt the ones we love most? And what challenges does that present a defense attorney?" She asked, and Karmen's hand shot up along with the rest of the class.

      "Mr. Walsh?" She picked, and Connor stood.

      "The challenge for the defense attorney is that—" He was cut off when the door opened, and Karmen craned her head back. Wes had just entered the classroom, and she exchanged a glance with Alyssa. The boy had been MIA ever since the Rebecca incident. 

      "You were saying?" Annalise brought the focus back to Connor.

      "Right. The challenge is that sometimes the police only look at loved ones when trying to find a suspect." He answered, and Karmen's mind immediately shifted to Sam. She blinked the thought way as another student stood up after being called on. 

      "It's a big uphill battle if your client knew the murder victim. So your best strategy is to find a different acquaintance to pin it on."

      "But before you do that?" Annalise questioned. "Miss Pratt." Michaela rose from her seat.

      "Attack the police investigation. Use the idea that they're so used to thinking it's the husband or boyfriend that they fail to look at other suspects." She stated.

      "Glad someone showed up to class today." Keating lowly said, and Karmen risked a look at Wes, whose face was masked in stone. Another few minutes passed where the blonde mindlessly drifted back to Rebecca and Sam. Who the hell is Eggs 911? Why hasn't Rebecca gone to the police yet?

      "Now, what if your client is the spouse of the murder victim and you know he did it? What would be your defense strategy...Mr. Gibbins?" Karmen slipped back into reality as Annalise inquired to Wes. There was a moment where he said nothing.

      "Pass." Karmen's brows shot up at that. When did Wes gain enough stupidity and confidence at the same time to refuse Annalise?

      "I'm not Professor Hahn. No one passes in my class." Keating snapped.

      "I just did." Alyssa nudged Karmen on the arm, and she turned to Hubbard with wide eyes. 'What the hell?' the brunette mouthed, and Karmen shrugged.

      "Stand up." Annalise ordered, and he obeyed. She made her way up the steps, uttering,

      "You come to my class late and then you flaunt, in my face, that you are unprepared. Either way, this doesn't mean that we can't use this opportunity to exercise your brain. So, think. What would be a good defense for a spouse who's killed his lover?" She repeated her question.

      "Pass." Wes tried again, and all Karmen could think was, Looks like Waitlist isn't going to be favored anymore.

      "Mr. Gibbins—"

      "I don't know what the answer is." Wes interrupted the professor. "That's what 'pass' means. So either keep wasting everyone's time or move on. Your choice." He snipped harshly, and then sat back down. Karmen felt her phone vibrate, and she snuck a peek at it. She saw it was from Alyssa, so she opened and read it.

      And then there were six.    


      Karmen followed the others into Annalise's house as Connor spoke to Wes.

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