chapter 2

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here is chapter 2


avery's pov.

Chapter 2   

I woke up to feel soft fabric under me and a head ache. There was sun streaking across my face and as I moved to turn over I hear the sound of something metal as I move and realise there is something around my ankle.

Sitting up quickly, soon regretting it after as it make me really dizzy and I have to wait for my eyes to focus and the dizziness to stop so I can't take in my surroundings. I'm in an unfamiliar room, chained to the bed by my ankle. Suddenly everything from last night comes flooding back. I've been kidnapped!

O god. Shit.

I try moving my leg to see if the chain will give but I have only enough room to walk a couple of space away from the bed before I am restrained by the chain. This is not good.

Just as I plop back down on the bed I hear footsteps just outside the door, I slowly sit up as the door opens to reveal a man in about his mid 40's, about 6 foot and short brown hair and dark eyes that almost look like they are black. There was this vibe coming from him this insolently said 'don't mess with me or you'll regret it'.

Never keeping his eyes off me he slowly walked to the foot of the bed as I kept moving back until I hit the head board.

"I don't want any trouble I not going to hurt you so don't look so scared." His voice was full of authority you knew not to disobey him.

"What do you want?" I asked trying to make sure that my voice sounded more confident than I felt at that moment.

"I want your father to finish something that he started for me, and the only way I am able to do that is through you," this really confused me, I didn't think that my father had taken anything from anybody,

"What doesn't he want to do?"

"Nothing you need to worry your pretty little head about.

"Right, now what did I come in to say? Ah, you will be staying in this room until everything is sorted, your food will be brought to you and there is a bathroom and a wardrobe through the doors.  And finally, don't try to escape, it will not end well." He finished and all I could do was stare at him, thinking this is not going to end well.

After staring at me, obviously waiting to see if I would say anything, then happy that I wasn't, fished around in his pocket and pulled out a key. He walked up to the bed, me not taking my eyes off him all the way, reached down and yanked on the chain around me ankle causing me to hiss out in pain, making him smirk.

With me glaring at him, I propped myself up on the bed my ankle now by his legs, he unlock the chain, put the key back in his pocket and walked out the room, not even glancing back, locking the door on his way out.

"Weirdo," I mumbled under my breath as soon as the door was closed. I looked down at my ankle to see that where the chain had rubbed it was red.

My head snapped up as I heard the door unlock, god what now. Then door open to reveal the boy that had kidnapped me in the first place. He was carrying a tray of food, with me glaring at him all the way; he set the food down on the table across the room and turn round and glared back at me. I don't know how long we did this, but neither of us looking away, sighing,

"Look, I know I'm not your biggest fan at the moment...."

"You got that right," I answered cutting across him.

Continuing he said, "However it was not up to me that I kidnapped you, if your father had of just continued working on the project then you wouldn't need to be here."

"Look here mister, Daniel whatever," I say my anger rising, " You do not blame this on my dad, when yours could have just have found someone else to do the job, without having to bring me into this, so don't start." By this time I am up off the bed and half way across the floor to where he is standing.

"Ah but it's not that simple,"

"Well it should be!"

"I can't change what has already been done," with a smirk on his face he walked out the door, leaving with a click of the lock.

Looking back at the food he left, I realised how hungry I really was. Sitting down on one of the chairs I starting eating the food, wondering what they hell was going to happen.     

Kidnapped because of a mad scientistWhere stories live. Discover now