"Or, you can back off before I cut your dick off." Deadpool says and then Sparta kicks the guy into the wall.
The cops finally come into the alley, they grab the man and surround Deadpool as he is helping Spider-Man up to his feet.
"Come quietly Deadpool."

"No wait, he's helping me." The hero said weakly.
The alpha cops and Deadpool could smell his aroma change.
"I think it's time we get you out of here." The merc throws the wall crawler over his shoulder and runs off.

Some time later, once he gets back to his shabby apartment, he lets spidey go, his stomach stopped hurting so he punched the big dumbass.
"Hey, I just saved you." Deadpool whined.

"Yeah, thanks. I was fine to be honest." His ego wouldn't let him genuinely give thanks to the merc.
"Your heat, it's starting."

"I know that, so I'll be leaving now."

"Wait, you can't go out there like this. What if someone else sees you and try's to take advantage of you."

"And like you wouldn't." He barked.

"No, I'll sleep outside if it makes you happy. Make yourself at home."
The mask became a nuisance so he took it off. "I'm wade by the way."
He began to strip his suit off and finds some sweats laying on the ground, he gave a cheeky smirk to the hero who watched him undress.
"Like what you see?"

"How did you get like that?" He was mostly staring because of all the scars.

"Cancer, and a sack of dicks named Francis. He made me immortal, at the price of my beauty."
Spider-Man groans and his stomach growls, food was definitely needed.
"Like I said make yourself at home."

He raids the kitchen, taking his mask off and not caring if wade sees his face.
A honey bun was in his mouth while he carried the whole box of Oreos, a glass of milk, and a bag of Doritos.

"Wow, you're beautiful." Wade swoons.
The hungry hero sits on the couch and only just realizing what he just said.
"Wait, What? Beautiful? Me?"

"Yes you. What's your name cutie?"

"Um, it's peter." He blushed as he took a bite of the honey bun.

"Well, Peter. I'm glad you're making yourself comfortable." He smirks and leans closer to the omega, but he flinched back and wade could sense that he was scaring him.

"Sorry. I won't get close to you again. I'm not like other alphas, you're safe with me."
He goes to the other side of the room and sat in the window sill.

After eating everything, peter was content and practically purring with joy as he sprawled on the couch.
Wade couldn't help but to watch him from across the room.

"Ugh it's hot in here." Peter shouts suddenly.

"I'll turn the air on."

"No that won't help. This stupid suit needs to come off." So he started to undress, leaving himself in only short tight boxers.

"Peter, this is getting dangerous, I may have some self control, but my instincts are strong."

"Wade!" His face was flushed, and wade could smell the change in his scent.

"Fuck, Peter. What do you want?" He was starting to blush, mostly because peter was so cute, but the frustration he had was getting to him too.
"Help me, alpha I want you to help me."

Wade swallowed a lump in his throat, his nerves getting to him.
"Don't regret this."

"I won't, please wade, before it really hits me, help me."

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