Friends And Enemies

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~~(F/N)'S POV~~

The day goes past like a blur, I get a few sorta weird looks from a group of people. Great, already becoming a target for bullying I think to myself as Garroth and I head down to Lunch, Laurence catching up to us as we walk and talk.

"Hey (F/N)! Hey Garroth" Laurence says, catching up to us

"Hey" Garroth says, its more like a mumble.

"Wow, and I was here thinking you were gonna speak up for once" Laurence teases Garroth

"Hey, Don't be rude to Gar-" I get interrupted by a piece of paper being thrown at my head, I catch it and read it, The note basically says that I should just go back to wherever the heck I came from, That I would never be pretty enough to hang out with anyone, That everyone is better than me in every way, That Im never gonna be good enough for anyone. I start to slightly tear up from it. 

~~3rd person POV~~

As (F/N) starts to tear up and look at the ground, Garroth wraps (F/N) into a hug, Laurence death glares at the people who threw the note, and Issac walks up seeing the scene that is going on

"(F/N)?!" Issac says, rushing to where (F/N) is, "(F/N) what happened?!" 

"I-I-" (F/N) hands the note that was thrown to her to Issac, Issac turns to whoever threw said note

"Okay What the heck is wrong with you two?! You can't just bully a girl that you barely know anything about! !" Issac shouts at the two girls

"Oh Please, Shut up, She isn't even that pretty" Says one of the girls, the other one giggling, and (F/N) fully bursts into tears. She tries to get out of Garroth's hug but it doesn't work, Garroth hugs her slightly more.

~~(F/N)'S POV~~

I break down crying and hug Garroth super tightly, basically sobbing into his chest. I can't hear anything other than me crying and Garroth saying some reassuring things. 

I can hear some yelling but I can't make anything out, I can only hear Issac and Laurence yelling and a girl talking.  The girl that was talking walks up to me and Garroth.

"Hey, You guys are Garroth and (F/N), Right?" The girl says, and Garroth nods. 

"Y-Yea" I manage to choke out between sobs.

"Great, Im Cadenza, Im Laurence's sister, Lets get you somewhere else, Okay (F/N)?" Cadenza says, and I nod in response.

Garroth, Cadenza, and I start walking down the hall, with Garroth's arm around me, and I am still crying a lot. Then the math teacher, Mrs. Smith, walks down the hall, stopping when she sees us.

"Cadenza? (F/N)? Garroth? What happened and why is (F/N) crying??" 

"Two girls threw a note at (F/N), it made her slightly upset, and then Issac, her brother, came over and Laurence and him got into an argument with the girls that threw the note at (F/N), We are just taking her somewhere else to calm down" Garroth explains, and I hold out the note.

"Oh my..." Mrs. Smith reads the note and gives it back to me "I will go inform Principal Aphmau about this, you two get (F/N) calm, Please eat lunch" Mrs. Smith then goes off towards the principals office. 

Garroth and Cadenza walk with me to someplace quiet in the lunchroom, Its near the back and I just collect myself and eat my lunch after that, talking to Cadenza and Garroth as we eat.

Then Issac, Laurence, and Dante walk into the room, Laurence rushing to me

"(F/N), You doing better?" Laurence asks, giving me a little hug

"Yea, doing 100% better" I respond

"Amazing, now-"

"Now me and your friend here may have gotten in a physical fight with those female dogs and now you guys are probably gonna have to help up with it" Issac says, cutting off Laurence

"Okay, I still have the note so we should be good" I say

As we all continue talking, Principal Aphmau walks up to our table

"Hey, So I heard that Laurence and Issac got in a fight?" She says, and Laurence and Issac nod. 

"Yes, They did, and it was for a good reason, just here" I hand Principal Aphmau the note, and she reads it, shocked.

"Oh my Irene, Okay You two," She says motioning to Issac and Laurence, "Are off the hook for now, Just try not to get in another fight"

"Yes Ma'am" They say at the same time

I smile as Principal Aphmau walks off. Well, today was surely eventful, We are only halfway through the day and I already have multiple friends, and maybe some enemies.

"Well, Im gonna go try to make friends that I don't have to share with you Child, See you!" Issac says, ruffling my hair a bit and walking off.

I giggle a bit and all 5 of us continue talking. I think Im gonna like it here, I think to myself as I sit back in my chair, smiling.


Hey! I know that I haven't updated this in like months, So sorry about that, Just been busy and having no ideas, So I am so sorry for that!

Anyways, Hopefully the next chapter will be out before 2021? One can only hope

Well See you later!

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2020 ⏰

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