S1 E4: モッキンバード

Start from the beginning

-As I look ahead we came across the bridge while the sunlight was fading rather quickly, still getting here in time was a great chance to grab the Insignia-

Jiro: We're finally here <Pointing at the warehouse>

Subaru: So what's the plan?

Jiro: Seeing as the time Felt gets here, she'll be there in about 10 minutes. We should wait...

Subaru: If she hasn't returned yet, then how are we gonna negotiate for the insignia?

Jiro: Let me handle that, I'll explain to her about our "buyer"

-Along the dirt road leading to the warehouse on the hill, Subaru and Jiro kept yammering at each other jokingly about the mystery woman-

Jiro: You should've seen her bro, she had massive---

Subaru: (Feeling Awkward) Gosh, Ren! I'v never seen you become this perverted...have you really fallen in love with the enemies?

Jiro: No! I'm just trying to describe what she looks like---there's something strange about---mmph!!! <Crashing into someone>

-As the blonde boy refused to focus what's in front of him, he felt noticed the cushiony, scent of a woman, "Thee Woman"...whom haunt their very souls...rubbing into between the two---ahem-

???: OH! My apologies young man...I didn't mean to bump into you like that.

-Unknowingly looks up to see the beautiful, busty, dark-hair crazy chick...Jiro finally understood the position he was in, gasping to get out of her way, the blonde boy was more shocked than embarrassed...Who knows!-

Jiro: Oh shit---sorry ma'am. Couldn't see where I was going---<Don't stare, Ren>

???: That's quite alright, I am in quite a hurry and need to be somewhere...<licks her lips> very soon.

-Trying to avoid her gaze, Jiro looks behind to see Subaru scared of her...dammit not now!-

???: What's wrong "Boy"? Haven't seen a beauty such as me before? You can look?

Jiro: (Blushing) I'm kind enough to not stare like a perverted---wow---I wasn't kidding---you are gorgeous in person!

Jiro: (Blushing) I'm kind enough to not stare like a perverted---wow---I wasn't kidding---you are gorgeous in person!

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???: Heehee, thank you "boy"...men

Jiro: (Acting Dumb) Oh, he's umm---ate bad shrimp---yeah, my friend's sick---probably the aroma in the air or something. Don't know what's wrong with him...

???: Well, I can assure to you, he is scared...what is your name, boy? Figuring we've met before...

Jiro: Umm, the name is Ren Jiro, Ms. ???

???: Granhiert. Elsa Granhiert. It's finally glad to see you, Mr. Ren...my business partner has spoken highly of your "skills".

Jiro: Who?

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