He blinked his eyes a few times. He looked at me with a scared look in his eyes.

"I know who that was."

*Kayla's POV*

I can't believe I'm stuck with Zayn. Nothing against him, he's a really cool guy, but I wanted to go with Li- I mean Niall. Yea, Niall. Because we're such good friends. Aha, that's believable.

"So, Zayn, what's going on between you and Nialler?" He looked at me and shrugged.

"We're in a bit of an argument. Nothing big." I narrowed my eyes at him. That response wasn't good enough for me.

"About what?" He sighed, sounding annoyed.

"About Louis and Harry! I'm mad that he didn't tell me!" I looked down at the ground. I've never heard Zayn sound so pissed off. "I'm sorry for screaming at you, I'm just annoyed at this entire situation."

"It's fine. But, don't be mad at Niall. Don't be mad a Louis either. He was scared. How would you feel, if you were in his shoes?" He stopped in his tracks.

"I kind of am." He what?

"What do you mean?" He shook his head.

"Never mind, forget I brought it up." He started walking again. What's his problem?

"What ride do you wanna go on?"

"Not sure. Why don't you choose." I slowly nodded. Something's up with Zayn.

"There's a thrill ride around here. We can go on that one." I suggested.

"Sure. Let's go." He picked up his speed and looked around for the ride. "Is that it?" He pointed over to a ride with a crowd of people.

"Um, yea, I think so. What's going on with it?" I ran over to get a closer look. No freaking way! The people up there are stuck! Ha, losers. Wait...is that? No, it couldn't be! It is! Harry and Louis got stuck too! Best day ever!

"Excuse me, but you people are going to have to move out the way. The mechanics need to come through." One of the workers announced some crap to the crowd of people. They're not going to move. I mean, Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles are up there, why would they want to move?

An idea popped into my brain. I looked at Zayn, who was laughing and pointing at Louis and Harry. He's not going to be laughing for long.

"Zayn, you might hate me after this, but the ride needs to start working again!" He furrowed his eyebrows at me.

"What are you tal-"

"LOOK EVERYBODY! IT'S ZAYN MALIK FROM ONE DIRECTION!" Everyone turned and looked. The look on Zayn's face was priceless! People started running up to him, asking for pictures and signatures. I don't even think half of them knew who he was. I think they just wanted to say they met someone famous.

The mechanics got through and began to fix the ride. It slowly got lower and lower every few minutes, until it finally reached the bottom. Harry jumped off the ride and ran towards me.

"My hero! You saved me!" I giggled as he wrapped his arms around me. Louis got off the ride and walked over like a normal person.

"Alright Styles, you can get off now." I tried to push him off. He had a tight grip.

"Harry. Get off the girl, now." What's wrong with Louis? He doesn't seem so cheerful now. He's all...sad and normal. I don't like it!

"Tommo, what's wrong?" He shrugged. I looked at Harry. Harry did the same.

"I don't want to talk about. Not here at least." I sighed and nodded. I looked at the swarm of people surrounding Zayn. I guess the civil thing to do is help him.

"HEY!" Everyone looked at me. "I know you guys like Zayn, he is pretty damn attractive, but we need him back. K? Thanks." They started murmuring and leaving Zayn alone. I grabbed his arm and pulled him away.

"That was rude! There was no other way to get their attention?! Was I really needed?!" I laughed and waved him off.

"Oh shut up Zayn. At least you're safe now." He glared at me. I stuck out my tongue and ran to another roller coaster. The rest of the boys followed. "Are our two groups together now?" They thought about it and nodded.

"I guess so. Where did you think Niall and Liam are?" That's a good question. I'm sure they're fine. I mean, Liam's there. What could they possibly do?

<Louis's POV>

This ride is going to be amazing! I can't wait to go on! We're almost at the front!

I looked at Harry, who was kicking at the ground with his foot. He can be such a baby sometimes. He's the one that pointed this ride out!

Finally, it was our turn! The other people got off.

"Haz! It's our turn! Let's go sit in the middle!" I ran towards the ride. I sat in one of the middle seats and waited for Harry. He came and sat next or me. He looked nervous.

I grabbed his hand to comfort him. He smiled a me, and I returned the favor with a thumbs up. The ride began to rise. I glanced down and saw a girl with sunglasses and a hoodie going in the control booth.

She pressed some button, and suddenly the ride stopped. Stay calm, Louis, stay calm. She looked up and smirked.

She tried to run away, but ended up falling. The hood fell off, along with the sunglasses. I looked at her and silently gasped. She's the one doing this?! I can't believe this!

"Louis?! Why is the ride not going?! What did the girl do?! I knew we shouldn't have come on! I knew it." Harry kept on talking. I stared straight ahead, trying to realize what I just witnessed. "Boobear? Are you ok?"

I snapped back into reality and stared at Harry.

"I know who that was." It's hard to believe it was her. How did I not see this coming?

"Doing what?" I gave him a look, and his eyes went huge. "Who?" I opened my mouth to speak, but was cut off by one of the workers.

"We're having difficulties with the controls. We'll have some mechanics look at it. You should be down in around ten to twenty minutes." I grunted. Precious roller coaster time wasted on this.

"Well, who was it?" Harry asked, for the second time. I sighed and looked him straight in the eyes.

"It was...it was Eleanor."

I Only Want More [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now