chapter seven: come back

Start from the beginning

"You can't possibly do that"

"Of course I can! I'm feeling selfish today so I'm keeping you"

"Good to know that you know you're being selfish."


"Just stating facts."

"Okay that's it. But I ain't letting you go anywhere away from me tho."

"Nope. I still have a boyfriend to be with so if you could just please-"


Chan shouted out of nowhere. He pinned Minho to the wall, facing him with raging eyes. It was as if Chan was talking to Minho just by looking at him.

Minho's eyes widened, he was shocked to say the least. Chan had never been that aggressive before and he never knew that Chan was capable of doing things like this.

"Okay Chan, what do you want?" He asked with fake annoyance, hiding the happiness inside of him. He felt very narcissistic but it felt good at the same time for some reason.

"Oh, Minho, isn't it obvious?" Chan asked, his eyes were glistening. Minho looked at him, quite curious and anticipating.

"I want you." Minho's eyes widened even more. He wasn't expecting it, he only wanted Chan to say that he wanted him to stay. Chan's gaze found its way to Minho's eyes. He was looking at him with so much passion. Minho couldn't process anything, he wanted to flirt like he always did but, Chan got him speechless.

Chan kept silent, he was shooked. He didn't know that he was capable of doing what he had done. He looked at Minho's wide eyes intently, until his gaze fell to his nose, his cheeks, and finally, his lips.

Minho's lips looked like they were as soft as the clouds, they were so plump and pink. Chan started to sweat, and so is Minho. They both stared at each other but not in the eyes, they were staring at each other's lips.

Chan lost it when he saw Minho lick his upper lips. It was getting more and more tempting. The both of them could hear each other's heartbeat, they were loud and fast.

Chan started leaning in, causing Minho to step back, which was impossible since he was already leaning on the wall. Minho tried to push his head back but, to no avail, he felt the wall against the back of his head quite quickly.

The sound of their hearts became louder and with every thump, they could feel each other's face getting closer and closer.

Minho's breath hitched when Chan's nose made contact with his own, the proximity between them no longer there. Minho panicked, this was not a part of his plan.

Minho felt a chill rush down his spine when he saw Chan's eyes. The soft and homey feeling was no longer there, it was replaced with a fiery and passionate feeling.

Minho felt his face heat even more when he saw a smirk plastered on the elder's face.

"I want you back, Minnie." Minho blushed a dark shade of red, he could feel Chan's breath against his skin, it was starting to get hotter and hotter for each passing minute.

"Why, Chan? Why are you doing this?" Minho asked, trying to not stutter. His eyes were starting to feel heavy and he was fighting the urge to close his them.

Chan's smirk became a huge grin, one of his hands managed to make its way to the back of Minho's neck.

"Why, you ask?" Minho nodded.

"Because I love you."

Silence started to make its way to both of the boys, Chan was starting to be embarrassed but he managed to keep his composure. Minho, on the other hand, started losing every self-composure he had.

He didn't know what to say anymore so he just shushed his mouth. Chan saw the red that was dusting over Minho's cheeks, Minho looked like a completely over-boiled octopus.

"You're so cute." Chan said, more flirty than he had expected it to come out. It was more uncomfortable for Minho since he could still feel Chan's breath against his lips. Minho was hyperventilating, and it was not an exaggeration.

Minho positioned his hands on the other's chest, trying to escape underneath him. Before Minho could even push the elder away, Chan had already leaned in, pressing his lips against Minho's soft, plump ones.

The younger's eyes widened, completely taken aback by the other's actions. Chan didn't care though, he looked at Minho's eyes with so much passion before closing his own eyes, indulging himself with the feeling of Minho's lips against his.

Minho felt his breathing become uneven, his legs started to get weaker and before he knew it, he was already clutching onto the elder's chest, closing his eyes and letting himself drown into the kiss.

Chan felt Minho's lips move together with his, making him smile as he deepened the kiss, only firing up the younger more. The both of them felt different sensations as they noticed that their oxygen supply was becoming less and less accessible.

After a matter of seconds, they both pulled away. Looking then smiling at each other as they both catched their breath. The fluttering butterflies in their stomach had managed to calm down, making the two of them go back to their senses.

They both felt guilty, but they only stayed quiet. They had a silent agreement, stating that they won't worry about anything when they're together, and so they did. Chan pulled Minho towards the hospital bed, laying him down as he clinged onto him, wrapping his arms around the younger.

They stayed in that cuddling position, smiling at each other as Minho fiddled with Chan's hair. They were both happy and although Minho hadn't said anything, Chan knew that he already came back to him. They fell asleep in each other's warmth, feeling safe and sound.

Little do the both of them know, someone had seen everything through the crack of the open door. He heard everything and he knew what had happened inside that room.

Letting the flowers fall down from his hand, Jisung made his way towards the exit of the hospital. As he went outside, he felt droplets of water on top of his head, the feeling became stronger and stonger as each second passed.

Jisung looked up to the sky, looking at the gray clouds that formed above him as he felt the corner of his eyes burn.

Soon enough, Jisung felt a warm droplet of water slide down his face, he didn't budge though. He continued walking until he couldn't comprehend where he was.

Jisung's legs gave up on him, making him fall to the ground as he cried silently, pretending that it was just warm droplets of rain. 'Yeah, probably just because of the climate change', He thought to himself foolishly.

His whole body then decided to give up on him, quiet sobs and hiccups starting to get out of his lips as he cried his lungs out. He was hurt, he was broken, he knew he didn't deserve this.

Jisung felt himself become lightheaded, his senses starting to feel numb. He could still hear splatters of rain, but he didn't feel the droplets anymore.

He looked up, seeing an umbrella above him. His eyes were blurry with tears but he knew that the man holding the umbrella looked like he was worried and concerned.

"Are you okay?" The stranger said, Jisung couldn't see his face clearly but he felt like he was safe with him. Feeling all the numbness in his body take over his entirety, Jisung just smiled before letting himself enter a deep slumber.

I feel like posting today so...
Anyways, thanks to everyone that's reading this. It means a lot to me ☺️

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