Use Somebody

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Chapter 2-Ella's POV

"Hurry Kylie! We're going to be late!" I called as I grabbed some earrings off a small end table.

"You're the one talking!" She replied laughing. I knew what she was talking about. I had taken forever doing my hair. When it didn't turn out right I made Kylie help me until it looked okay.

That's one of the things that makes her such a good friend. Kylie has always been there for me when I need someone to talk to. When we first met it was weird cause we felt like we could tell each other anything because we trusted each other one hundred percent; more than our other friends we had know for years! Kylie has always been a very caring person which makes her a great listener! She is also a very strong person mainly because of the things she's been through. Kylie can be good at hiding her emotions because of that but I can always tell when something's wrong. My other favorite thing about her is that we are a lot alike, which some people say would make us fight but honestly we never fight. We have a lot of the same opinions and thoughts which is good to have someone who agrees with you to talk to.

"I'm sorry my hair would not work! We're supposed to meet Mazz and Andy in 10 minutes!" I say trying not to laugh remembering the rough time we had doing my hair.

Just then Kylie comes into the lounge and she looks gorgeous as always! Her blonde hair that comes down her back and has brown underneath is curled with her bangs swept to the side. Her blue eyes look amazing with this new makeup she got when we were shopping the other day. She smiles with her perfectly white teeth and spins so I can see her dress. The bottom of the dress is fitted with black sequins covering it, the top is a blush skin color that flows a bit. The style fits her body perfectly and the dress goes great with her tan skin.

Finally we leave the flat to find our cab waiting for us. We jump in and tell the driver where to take us. Kylie and I have never been to this restaurant before but Andy and Mazz claim it's their favorite so we agreed. We arrived within 10 minutes, but we were still 5 minutes late. Mazz and Andy are both standing inside when we enter the fancy restaurant. The place is nice and modern. The furniture and floors are dark wood and the chairs are white with a line green stripe down them.

I instantly like the place because I think it has a cool feel to it. Also it reminds me of me and Kylie's new flat, chic and modern.

"Wow! Good job boys!" Kylie says poking them teasingly.

"We try." Says Andy with a grin as we all take turns hugging one another.

We haven't been able to hang out very much but we are still really tight which is great!

As we get seated Mazz begins to question us about what's been going on.

"So how's UNI going for you two?" He asks.

"It's going really good!" I say and Kylie nods.

"Yeah but what we're really loving is London! It's great! It's a good bit different than Mayfield!' She adds.

Mayfield is where Kylie and I were born and raised. We became best friends in high school and that's when we met Mazz and Andy. Every summer Andy would come visit his grandparents who lived right beside me. Mazz would always come with him and Kylie was always with me. So every summer we would hang out and roam around Mayfield.

"Yeah it is! I've been everywhere though lately I haven't had time to be at home much!" Andy said.

"Well what have you been up to Mr. Busy?" I say in a funny voice that makes him and everyone else smile.

"I've been off with Liam and the rest if the boys from One Direction! It's been a load of fun!" He says.

"Woah that sounds fun!" Says Kylie looking a bit shocked.

I am too. I knew Andy and Mazz knew Liam Payne since they were little but I didn't know they still kept up! But I know me and Kylie are fans of their music!

"So what about you Mazz?" Says Kylie.

"Well... I've been on a bus... With Yoda." He replies slowly but casually.

There is a short silence then we all burst out laughing!

"What the heck Mazz!?" I ask when I catch my breath from laughing.

It turns out he's been traveling around the UK on a bus with his two friends Sam and Louis. Kylie and I have met Sam and Louis, being you tubers, so we were not surprised to hear they went to make videos and have meet ups. Now the Yoda part, they obviously decided that a bus that breaks down every ten miles was not enough to handle so they bought a cat and named it Yoda.

"That sounds... Interesting! But fun!" I assure Mazz as he finished his story.

"So what about you two you tubers? How are the videos going?" Andy asked.

Mazz and Andy were the ones who convinced Kylie and I to start a YouTube channel in the first place. It was this past summer while Andy and Mazz were in Mayfield. They had been making YouTube videos and it looked like a lot of fun so when they heard we were going to London for UNI they said it would be a good start to a new chapter in our lives. Again, it looked like fun so we agreed and started that summer.

"We are loving it! We just finished our 150th video!" Kylie said proudly as I nod.

"Oh yeah I saw that! Congrats! I also saw that Jack and Finn Harries was to do some stuff with you guys." Mazz said with a smirk. I can see out if the corner if my eye that Andy has a smirk on his face too.

I know Mazz and Andy are friends with the twins because they have done some videos together.

Kylie and I catch a glimpse at each other but it's like we can read each others mind. So it's obvious to both of us that we should play dumb to find out what these boys have been saying about us.

"What are you talking about?" says Kylie with a confused look on her face. I can tell it's fake in a second but I'm sure it will fool Mazz and Andy.

"Oh, so they don't know!" Mazz and Andy giggle to each other like ten year old girls. "Well I'm sure you guys know who the Harries twins are..? The you tubers..?" Mazz explains while we nod. "They have been saying that they really like what you guys do and want to do a video. I also think they might fancy you two also." Mazz adds smirking at Andy again.

I glance at Kylie again. Mission accomplished. So the hot twins do fancy us. Hmmm...


An hour later we are standing in the side walk ready to head off into the cold, November night.

"Wow! How I miss hanging out everyday like this in the summers!" Says Mazz with a yawn that makes us all yawn too but we end up laughing.

"Ohhh it's just like old times!" Adds Andy.

"Hey! It hasn't been that long and now that we're all back in London we can do this all the time!" I say.

As Kylie and I open the cab door Andy rushes over to us and hands me a slip of paper.

"This is the twins email. You guys should really consider doing a video with them. They are really fun to work with!" He says as we climb in.

"Okay we will! Thanks!" I say right before the door shuts.

{Authors Note}

Hope you enjoyed the second chapter of our story! We will update at least every weekend but sometimes randomly through the week so just keep posted here for updates! Please like and comment beaches we want to know what you think! :)

We're going to start posting more visuals for you guys like outfits and pictures of the characters! We really hope this will give you a better idea if the story! But we havent exacally figured out how to do it yet BUT THEY ARE COMING SOON!

Also the next couple chapter are going to be interesting so keep an eye out for new chapters! ;)

Oh and this chapter is named after The Kings of Leon's "Use Somebody"! Great song so go check it out!



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