"What the fuck!" Louis jolted out of bed, looking ready to murder.

"Tsk, Tsk. Louis you should know better than to use that type of language." Before he could reply, everyone else came bursting in the room. I pointed to the McDonalds bags on the table everyone, including Louis and myself, rushed over.

"Why is Louis wet?" Niall asked, looking Louis up and down.

"I just have that affect on people." I stated cheekily. Kayla, Zayn, and Ally bursted out laughing, while Liam and Niall rolled their eyes.

Louis glared at me. "Actually, it's because Harry's an ass." Everyone laid their eyes on me. I gave them a sheepish grin and shrugged.

"I needed to wake him up some how." Louis glared at me.

"A simple, 'Louis time to get up', wouldn't have worked?" I smiled and shook my head. He rolled his eyes and grabbed his egg mcmuffin. I hurried and grabbed my bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit, before Niall did.

I don't know how, but I managed to piss off everyone but Niall today... Louis really is rubbing off on me.

<Louis' POV>

Fucking asshole! I can't believe he drenched me in ice cold water! I'm going to get him back. I don't know when, but I am!

"Boobear! Do you forgive me yet?" I turned around and gave Harry the best fake smile I could.

"Oh yea! It's in the past!" He let out a huge sigh, and gave me a cheeky, but very attractive, grin. "Are we still going to the beach later? Or do you want to go somewhere else?"

"Whatever you want, Lou. I don't care where we go." I crossed my arms.

"But, Haz, I want you to have a choice in where we go, too." He rolled his eyes.

"Why don't we go to the mall?" The mall? Aren't there girls there? And it's summer break, but if Harry wants to go to the mall...

"Okay then! Mall it is!" Maybe I can get him back there? Only question is how?

"Louis?! "

"What Harry?!" He looked at me with a frantic expression.

"I can't find my phone!" I walked over and opened his bag. Just as I suspected, his phone was sitting right there.

"It's right there Haz. What's gotten into you mate?" He grabbed his phone and ran out the room. That was weird.

I grabbed my clothes and headed into the bathroom for a shower. I turn on the water and waited for it to warm up.

After getting out of the shower, and getting dressed, I went to the lobby and waited for Harry. Ten minutes later, he came running in, with hats and sunglasses.

"Thought these would be useful." I grabbed my hat, and put on the glasses.

"So, how are we getting there?" He thought for a moment, then beamed.

"How about the bus?" He grabbed my hand and pulled to the bus stop.

"You're acting as if you've never ridden on a bus before!" He let go and shrugged his arms.

"Not in Florida!" He had a point there, but still, he's acting like a child. "What mall are we going to?" Hadn't even thought about that.

"Well, why don't we ask someone on the bus, what malls there are around here." He nodded in agreement.

We waited at the bus stop, for what felt like an hour. As soon as we were going to go ask Paul for a ride, the bus pulled up. We paid the fare, and got on. Harry walked to the back and found us some seats. He asked the woman next to us, what malls there were.

I Only Want More [Larry Stylinson]Where stories live. Discover now