'Poor Harry'

'Sorry Hazza'


What are the fans going on about? I clicked on the 'Poor Harry' one and scrolled through the tweets.

'@Harry_Styles I cant believe that girl did that to you! With your own best friend? *cough*Slut*cough* Poor Harry:('

'@Harry_Styles Sorry about Ally, we're here for you Haz! Poor Harry'

What did Ally do to Harry? I kept scrolling down the tweets till I saw one with a picture. I opened it and immediately widened my eyes. In big words it said:

'Ally Woods: Cheating on Harry Styles with Zayn Malik?'

It was a picture of us, hugging, from the coffee shop. A fan must've saw us and snapped a pic. This isn't good. Liam came over, looking concerned.

"Zayn? What's wrong?" I gave him my phone, picture open. He reacted the same way I did. "Where did they get this idea from?"

"Yesterday, I went to the coffee shop, because I was bored. Ally there, with Harry until he left, so I decided to sit down and talk with her. It's completely innocent! I wouldn't do that to Harry! He's one of my best mates!" I explain frantically. Where do the fans get these ideas from?

Liam nods in understanding. "We'll leave it alone for now. Let it die down a bit before we do anything, to see if it goes away on its own."

I sigh and stand up, grabbing my bag and walking out of the door. Liam's right, we gotta leave it alone. It can't get that bad, can it?

~Ally's POV~

MY LIFE IS RUINED! I log onto twitter this morning and what do I find? Lots of hateful mentions. Why do they think that I'm cheating on Harry! He's the one that ended the date early! I was just talking to Zayn! Apparently, if you talk to a guy while drinking coffee, means you're dating. Harry and I aren't even dating! Yeah, okay, they think we are, but that doesn't mean we're dating! Who knows what this will do to my reputation! Everyone is going to think I'm some...whore!

I sit down in the plane's waiting area and sigh.

"Ally? What are you doing?" Kayla asks, quite chipper. I roll my eyes, leaning back on the seat. She gives me a concerned look. "What's wrong?"

"My life is ruined! Have you been on twitter today?!"

"No, why?"

"Just check." She slips out her phone and tapped around a few times. She widened her eyes a few minutes later.

"Ally! Why are they saying this? Where did the picture come from?"

"We didn't do anything! We were just having a chat! Is Harry ok?"

"I don't know. Maybe this is why he's been in a bad mood this morning." I felt a tear roll down my cheek. I can't believe this! I didn't do anything wrong!

"What about Zayn?" I questioned, looking over at him.

"He's just sitting quietly." She answered. A few seconds later, she's shooting up, worried. "I gotta go, Niall's getting into an argument with the Security because the won't let him bring Nandos on the plane with him." I mumbled an ok. She ran off, yelling at Niall with Liam. I'll probably regret it later, but I went back on twitter to read some of my mentions.

'@143AllyBear You should feel ashamed of yourself! Cheating on Harry with Zayn. You're such a whore'

Alright I'll admit, that hurt. It stung a bit.

'@143AllyBear You're such an attention whore! You were only dating Haz for the fame! Slut'

That one wounded me. It's very painful.


And now I'm dead. It killed me. I knew I was going to regret going back on twitter. I chucked my phone against the wall and sat on the bed. I let the tears fall from my eyes. Its funny how people can easily turn against someone, when they don't know the whole story. Of course, there were some directioners that felt sympathy for me. They actually wanted to know the whole story. This is not how it was supposed to be. Harry and Louis were going to fall in love and get married! Not this! I wish I could just forget about it.

[Harry's POV]

What's going on with the fans today? They've been tweeting me 'sorry' and 'poor Harry' since I woke up this morning. Did Louis tell them I'm sick or something? I saw some tweets on it but I didn't really pay attention. Maybe if I actually read them I'll figure this out.

I flipped out my phone and opened the twitter app. I scrolled through my mention and saw that Ally was mentioned in quite a few of them. What did she do to me? I saw one with a picture and clicked the link. They think that...Ally's cheating on me? We're not even dating. And with Zayn? He wouldn't do that even if Ally and I were dating.

I stare at it for a moment before smiling evily. Just for the fun of it, I'm going to mess with everyone for a bit.

Niall came and sat next to me in the waiting area. I put on the best mad/sad face I could.

"Harry, are you ok?" I looked at Niall.

"I'm fine!" I snap at him. It took all of my strength to not laugh at his reaction. I sighed and glanced at him. "I'm sorry Niall, I'm just in a bad mood. I saw some stuff on twitter I didn't like." He gave me a sympathetic look. I gave him a weak smile and looked down at me phone. This was going to be easy!

I gazed at Zayn who kept looking at me. I sent him a glare. He quickly looked away. I smiled to myself, feeling satisfied. I glanced over my left shoulder and saw Kayla and Louis talking. I assumed they were talking about me, because they kept looking at me. I saw them both nod at each other. What's going on? They started to walk over. What are they doing? They both sat next to me.

"We need to talk." I looked over at Louis.

"About what?" This time Kayla spoke up.

"About you and Zayn. What's going on?"

"Why do you assume something is going on?!" I yelled at them. They seemed a bit taken back.

"Well, you're acting moody as hell, and we just saw you glare at him." I turned away from them. Even they're believing it. If I can get Liam to believe me, then I'm totally going to pull this off. I think Louis' been rubbing off on me.

"Whatever. Can you just leave me alone." Out of the corner of my eye, I saw them take a quick look at each other. Kayla then got up and walked over to Liam. Alright here it comes. The big test.

"Harry? What's going on?" I didn't even turn around.

"Nothing's wrong! Why does everyone think that something's wrong!? Just leave me alone!" I got up and stomped towards the restrooms. I'm an amazing actor. iCarly didn't do me any justice. I peek behind me and saw everyone looking baffled. This is going to be fun...

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