Chapter 62 Brothers

Start from the beginning

Fei: "We'll take whatever you throw at us. That's why we came here."

Fei snapped his fingers and the Dupli appeared.

"Fei, don't push yourself."

Fei: "I understand. Thank you, Ciel."

*After the match*

Alpha... he looks frustrated? He's never reacted up till now I wonder...

Fei: "Mission accomplished."

Shinsuke: "Does this mean history has changed?"

Fei: "Yeah. The real Raimon soccer club should be back now."

Shindou: "The real Raimon soccer club, huh..."

We all looked towards Yuuichi-san. He simply smiled.

Yuuichi: "Tenma-kun. My job here is done."

Tenma: "Yuuichi-san..."

Then Yuuichi-san started glowing.

Tenma: "What's happening?"

Wondeba: "The Interruption point has been modified back to its correct timeline. He is vanishing along with the timeline that he is from."

Yuuichi: "I guess it's time. Thank you."

Tenma: !

With that Yuuichi-san was completely gone.

Fei: "Let's go back. The Tsurugi-kun that you know should be waiting for you."

"As well as Saegusa-san, Shirogane-san and Miria-san."

Tenma: "...Okay."

3rd POV

Tenma and Shinsuke entered the club to find it was completely empty...!

Tenma: "No way!"

Then they heard the door open behind them and turned around.

Tsurugi: "Oh, you're here."

Miria: "Where have you two been? We've been searching...!"

Tenma and Shinsuke: "Tsurugi! Miria!"

Tenma and Shinsuke smiled and were about to hug the two before...

Miria: !


Tenma and Shinsuke: "Ow...."

Tsurugi had grabbed Miria and quickly made the two of them dodge Tenma and Shinsuke as they rubbed their heads. When Tsurugi looked at Miria, he realized how close they were and the two quickly backed away from each other. The two were quite red.

Tsurugi: "W-What are you two doing?"

Tsurugi quickly said looking back at Tenma and Shinsuke on the ground.

Tenma: "No... we're just glad you guys are here."

Miria: "Eh?"

Tsurugi: *sigh* "It's the soccer club. Of course we're here."

Tenma: ! "...Yeah!"

Tenma looked like he was about to cry. Miria went up to the two of them.

Miria: "The two of you are kind of acting strange. Why wouldn't we be here?"

Shinsuke: "Well.... it's a long story..."

Miria: ???

Tenma: "Um, hey! How is Yuuichi-san doing?"

Tsurugi: "Oh, he's recovering well. His rehab is going great."

Tenma: "I see..."

Miria looked at Tenma questionably.

Miria: "Did something happen...?"

*Next Day*

Wondeba: "It's clearly the foul work of El Dorado!"

Everyone: ?!

Wondeba: "There's no doubt about it. They got involved in the match between Japan and America."

Haruna: "E-Eh? Eh?!"

Wondeba: "Really, there's just no turning our backs on them."

Wondeba jumped on top of a chair and faced Haruna.

Wondeba: "Nice to meet you, Miss. I am Clark Wonderbat. Call me Wondeba! That's why I, Clark Wonderbat, am not anyone suspicious!"

Haruna nodded with a surprised look on her face.

Wondeba: "And this is Fei."

Fei: "Hello."

Haruna: "Hello... Um, Fei-kun, are you also...?"

Fei: "Yes. I'm from the future. Ciel is too."

Fei motioned over to Ciel who was sitting on the one of chairs with a computer on the table.

Fei: "We're here to set right what's been changed in the past."

Haruna: "Changed in the past..."

Miria: "Um..."

Fei: "What is it?"

Miria: "Well... I'm just wondering, what's your friend doing over there?"

Miria looked towards Ciel who was wearing glasses and typing on her computer.

Fei: "Ah, she's searching for any interruption points appeared in this timeline."

Miria: "Interruption points?"

Ciel peeked from her computer.

Ciel: "It's not just interruption points Fei."

Fei: "Yes, I know Ciel."

Tenma: "Not just interruption points? What do you mean Fei?"

Fei: "Eh? You haven't noticed it, Tenma?"

Ciel: "Shindou-san and Nishizono-san either?"

The three all looked confused.

Shindou: "What do you mean?"

Ciel took off her glasses and sighed.

Ciel: "Saegusa-san and Shirogane-san."

Tenma: "Eh? What about them? Now that I think about it I haven't seen them today. Hey, everyone do you know where Saegusa-san and Kirara-san are?"

Everyone but Tenma, Shinsuke, and Shindou looked at each other in confusion. 

Tsurugi: "Saegusa? Who's that?"

Miria: "Who is Kirara-san too?"

Tenma, Shinsuke, and Shindou: !

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