"Yeah, I see princess." Demi says crouching down next to Zara.

"Take out daddy, please." Zara says looking at me and I see Demi glare at me slightly, but I ignore it for now and open the cage to take the bunnies out. I then place them in the kennel and lift up Zara so she can go in there with them. "Look mommy! Hold!" Zara says lifting up one of the bunnies for Demi and she sighs and steps in the fence with her while I hold Ezra and Demi takes the bunny out of her hands.

"I am gonna go make dinner." I say and Demi looks over at me.

"We are talking later." She says and I sigh and hand her Ezra as I walk out and into the kitchen. I know Demi is pissed, but maybe she will lighten up after she realizes how happy Zara is. I start pulling out stuff to make dinner and as I'm about halfway done, I see Demi walking into the kitchen without the kids.

"What in the hell made you think that you should bring home two rabbits?" Demi immediately asks and I sigh and turn the stove off since I know this will be a long conversation.

"I wasn't planning on it Demi. We went to the floral shop to get you flowers and they said it would be thirty minutes so we went next door to the pet store. There's your flowers by the way." I say pointing to her pink and white roses on the island to try and lighten the mood, but she doesn't take her eyes off me. "Look, I'm sorry." I say and she takes a deep breath.

"We don't have time for this Max. The kids are still young, I'm pregnant, we're getting married, and we have a trial coming up. Two rabbits is not what we need." She says and I nod.

"I know that Demi, but you didn't see how happy Zara got when she saw them. You didn't see the excitement on her face when she held them for the first time. You didn't see that look she gave me as she begged me to bring them home. How was I supposed to say no to her?" I say and she sighs and looks to the side then back at me.

"Easy, you say no and that we already have Batman and Ella." She says and I look down.

"It's not that easy Dem. Look, I know you're mad and I know you will be for awhile, but you can't deny her excitement. I haven't seen her this happy and giggly since before Australia." I say and she eventually nods.

"And I agree with that, but you should have at least called me." She says.

"Just for you to say no over the phone and then I have to be the one to break the news to Zara?" I say and she sighs. "You try and say no to her face and tell me how that feels when for the first time in awhile she's truly happy." I say turning back to the stove to start cooking again. "I know your mad, but I'm okay with you being mad at me if it means I get to see Zara happy about those bunnies." I say stirring the food in the pots as I check on the steaks in the oven.

"Why did you have to get two though?" She asks and I turn to her and lean against the counter.

"They're brother and sister and the lady said it's good to get them in pairs so they have a companion." I say shrugging and I see her roll her eyes, but a smile soon breaks out on her face and I feel a weight lift off my shoulders.

"You really are wrapped around her little finger." Demi says and I smile.

"She gave me the puppy dog eyes, what was I supposed to do?" I say and she laughs and walks up to me.

"I'm still pissed, but I'm willing to forgive you as long as you're the one cleaning up after them and taking care of them. Zara isn't even two so she won't be able to do it all on her own." She says and I smile big.

"Deal." I say wrapping my arms around her. "I am sorry though. But when you see that look she gave me, then you'll understand." I say and she chuckles.

Forever and Always (Sequel to It's You and Me)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum