"Reid, can you be honest with me?"

I nodded, my face still facing the window.

"Do you like Y/N?"

My eyes widened, I looked at Morgan

"Wha- no. No."

Hotch cracked a small smile

"You do Reid, I can see it."

I looked behind my seat and saw Hotch's smile. I rolled my eyes but Morgan poked me

"Come on kid. Don't lie to us."

I sighed.

"Well. I uh. I um."

"I'll take that as my answer."

He continued to drive, as I looked out the window going red. I was embarrassed but also concerned for Y/N.



He backed you into a corner and pulled out a gun. You tried to pull your gun out but he punched you in the face and you fell to the floor. He held the gun against your head.

"Go on. Do it. Because beating and raping me when I was 12 didn't bring you enough satisfaction."


He aimed the gun at the sky and shot. You heard sirens in the distance, but he grabbed you. By your throat, his hands clammed around your throat. His free fist thrown against your face, multiple times.

"I can take it. I can take it."

"Oh you can take it? Prove it."

He kicked you in the gut, you fell to the floor wheezing.

"Why? Why did you do it? I want to know."

He pulled you by the collar of your blouse.

"You wanna know why? Because you were a waste of space. You had no place on this earth and you still don't. I built you into the women you are today. You don't belong here, you never have. That's why your mother left. You are. the reason"

You stood there, starring at him. Coughing and wheezing, trying to build the strength to say something. Anything.

"Mom died because she committed suicide. Don't you dare blame me, mom was the only one with common sense, she felt trapped by you. You made her do it."

He spat in your face, holding a sharp knife against your throat. His hand held your petite waist.

"She died because of you. You are to blame!!"

Morgan kicked down the door, pointing his gun at Christian.

"Christian Smith. Put the knife down and get on your knees."

He starred at you, the throat edging closer towards your throat.

"Christian. If that knife gets any closer to her throat, I will shoot."

He looked at Morgan

"Why do you care about her?"

Hotch crept in behind him

"Because she's my little sister! My family saved her from your evil grasp so put the knife down or I will shoot."

You looked at him, shunned. He never told anyone that you were his sister but he was so protective. Hotch looked shunned, as were you. The knife edged closer to your throat, a gunshot went off. He fell to the floor as well as the knife. Blood splattered across your face and blouse. Tears engulfed your eyelids. Morgan rushed over to you, you wanted to move. Get out of the room but it was like your legs were glued to the floor.

"Are you ok Y/N?"

You fell into his arms, sobbing. He held you with his muscular arms. Rossi and Hotch called backup and other officers to remove the body, he was dead. You walked out, back into the SUV. As you shut the door and a tear rolled down your face, you felt the door reopen. You saw Spencer's shadow stand in the frame of the door. He held his arms out and you hugged him. His hands gripping onto your arms. His embrace was comforting.

/// ON THE JET ///

You sat on your own on the way home. No one bothered to talk to you as they saw you needed space, but part of you was hoping someone would come up to you and talk. To save yourself from your overthinking. After a while, both Morgan and Spencer sat next to you. Spencer placed a hand on your thigh which made you shiver, in a good way.

"Princess, how did you know the Unsub? If your ok with sharing."

You took a deep breath

"He was my biological father. I lived there until I was about sixteen, before he was charged with sexual assault and I was taken by social services. The less said about what happened within that house, the better."

Morgan continued as you tried to choke back your sobs.

"That's when my family took Y/N in. Y/N is my adopted sister and I treated her like she had always been apart of my family. I didn't tell anyone because I thought it would affect my job but family comes first. Y/N, I'm sorry. For everything."

He took you within his arms.

"But pretty boy, I am the big brother you have to talk with before getting together with my little sis."

Spencer was blushing as you let out a small giggle.

"It's gonna be ok Lil Sis."

Was it gonna be ok? It was.


Ok, so. this was kinda like the Seaver storyline, just better because if you can't tell, I seriously do not like Seaver 😂 if u do, no hate that is so chill. This is a hate free zone babes ;)

Hope your enjoying the story and do not worry, Spencer will rail you soon. I promise. Peace out ✌️

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