Crumbling Citadel

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On the night of the Rhaelhall the rivers ran red with the blood of those who would soon be forgotten. It bubbled and hissed as it trickled down the corridor and out into the clawing night. To those who had remained at home completely ignorant to screams and cries for help it looked like a stream of silver in the moonlight.

For how could they hear when they had been robbed of their senses?

Within the once glistening citadel, chaos ran amok. The shrieking laughter of the Wild Ones bounced off slick marble walls as they turned over tables and bashed down doors. Darkness swarmed down the hall as the many torches bolted in the worn stone were snuffed out by long shadowy fingers. And the creatures howled with joy as their rampage uncovered a group of pale trembling faces huddled behind a delicate wooden screen.

They leapt forwards with a shriek and seemingly engulfed the people in smoke. When the acrid smoke cleared a puddle of grey pulp lay where the people once stood. It shuddered for a moment before a cluster of limb-like structures bubbled from its surface and swiped at the air.

But the WIld Ones only laughed and continued on their path of destruction. Their eyes flashed as they reached a massive set of oak doors and caught sight of the portrait hanging on the wall. One of them, a small stunted creature made of bone and ash leaned forward with a gurgle. His bony fingers clicked as he ran his hand over the thick grease paint and the canvas began to crumble beneath his touch.

The man shown within it stood tall and strong, his brown eyes exuded confidence and warmth but with a touch of arrogance. Beside him stood a raven-haired young woman with her arms wrapped lovingly around a young child. She was smiling tentatively and the only sign of weakness was the haunted look in her eyes.

"The Traitor. The Liar. The Thief." The others jeered at the painting and cackled. Oh, how they had longed for this moment. Silence fell upon them for a split second before they descended upon it with their claws outstretched. They slashed his eyes out and tore up the crown. Spitting and yowling as they went along. The woman standing next to him received that same treatment, shreds of canvas fell to the floor before they stopped at the young girl.

Several shadows drifted and pooled together to form a twisted little man with a face like the moon. His pale face inclined towards the others and they jittered in agreement before drifting towards the doors.

But the stunted creature leaned forwards and pulled on the man's sleeve "Mistress said..."

"I know what she said, you nitwit! She said to find that weapon but there's nothing wrong with having a little fun." He grabbed the creature's arm and ripped it off. And the others who had paused to observe watched as bone crumbled into dust.

The one who spoke wailed and clutched the stump where his arm had been. Thick putrid shadows poured out of the gaping wound and tumbled onto the ground. They pooled by his feet and he yowled before reaching down as if to scoop it up. Wisps of smoke curled up towards the ceiling, whirling and tumbling like moths to a flame. The injured creature bared his yellow teeth at his attacker and growled.

But the pale man with a face like the moon only laughed and straightened out his jacket, the red blood red wyvern spreading across his chest was the only reminder of his previous loyalties towards his king. Then with a satisfied lick of his lips, he waved his little army of terrors onwards.

~ 0 ~ o ~ 0 ~

The young princess could only watch in horror as her home was invaded.

She huddled underneath a table and listen as each scream stung her like a thorn. When this had all started she had run out of her room and hid in the library. Moments later she heard soldiers thundering into her room and a bright light had gone off. It did not take her long to realise that her bedroom was on fire.

Hundreds of sinister shadows danced across the walls, laughing and jeering as they passed by. Their fingers catching on the velvet drapings that framed the windows. Those who remained loyal to their king were immediately overwhelmed. It was impossible to fight them, for after each attack the shadows just took on a new form. Each one was more terrifying than the last.

The young girl could not help but wonder where her parents were. So she clutched the ends of her night dress and took a deep breath before tiptoeing across the floor and towards a small gap between the doors. The sounds of wailing drifted towards her ears and the girl strained to make out the sound of her parent's voices in the corridor.

Then she screamed as a few shadows caught sight of her and poured through the crack in the library door. Tears welled up in her eyes as she desperately stumbled backwards until her hands met the edge of a chair. They cackled and dove forwards.

"Princess, princess." They tugged at her nightgown and swirled around her feet. "You're next." Their voices rang out high and clear like bells on a fresh spring day. One of them yanked her hair.

"Princess, Princess" he warbled, breath cold and misty in her ear "It's time to run."

And run she did.

The halls were a mess of blood and bodies as limbs were strewn carelessly on the ground. And try as she might the girl could not remember how to get out of her own home. Countless corners rose to meet her and the carpeted ground was sticky with blood and tears. As she ran her foot stepped in something warm and took all her strength not to look down or cry out.

Her breath hitched in her throat as she caught sight of a man slumped against the wall. Something had ripped a hole in his chest. Bite marks lined the way up to his face and where his face had been was a gaping mess of muscle and bone. A sob escaped from her mouth and the sound seemed echo through the chaos, and from far off came a triumphant cry from those who chased her.

All around her dark flames danced along the walls consuming everything in its path. Everything it touched twisted into itself and dripped down onto the ground. Paintings bubbled and roared to life and a mangled three-headed horse leapt out of the frame and shrieked. The countless wounds that peppered its grey hide oozed yellow pus, they shuddered for a moment before ripping open to reveal bloodshot eyes.

The princess screamed and bolted down the hallway. She darted into a dimly lit stairwell and stumbled down into the darkness. The acrid smoke caught at the back of her throat. Stinging and choking on its way down. This was madness and she wanted her parents.

Down the winding corridors, she fled, further and further away from the chaos and anger. The cool air whispered and brushed her cheek. How long had it been since someone had used these tunnels? Moss squelched beneath her feet and got caught underneath her nails.

In her blind panic, she missed a step and fell right into the cold arms of her waiting mother.

As the morning sun rose to greet the people. The spell that had rendered them ignorant the night before was broken and the horrors of the previous night were revealed. Somewhere, someone screamed before running into the castle to sound the alarm. But it was clear what had happened. It was too late to save their king. And as the last of the blood settled and seeped into the cracks between the cobblestones, the night became a stain in the people's lives forever.  

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 21, 2020 ⏰

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