What Would You Say

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What would you say to a young girl - hang on, a woman - who's worked, cried, prayed, and fought so hard to be where she wants to be but isn't there yet.

Would you congratulate her for her yearning?

Be proud of her for praying?

Clap for her?

What would you say if you knew that all her dreams are constantly being  vacuumed from the face of planet?

Would you say, 'God is good,' and expect an 'All the time' from her?

Would you tell her 'There's only one way from here; and that's up'?

Would you tell her to hopeful like she was when she was born?

When she began dreaming?

What would you say?

Would you ask her to pray some more?

What would you say to someone who is DONE with living anyway?

What you call her names?

Tell her she's quitter?

Tell her to toughen up?

How you do approach a girl standing at the edge of her flat world, ready to jump off?

Would you remind her of her family?

Of the kids she raised while dreaming?

Of the girls taught to cook and bake?

What of her mama whose already lost a child, and now nearing old-age?

What would you say to woman whose insides are stained-red with her murdered hope and dreams?

Like an unwanted child being aborted by an uncertified doctor using pliers and a sucker?

What if this wasn't the first time?

What if, for the first time, she had to take pills?

Y'know the ones that cause severe pain and heavy bleeding for eight weeks straight?

Would you say she had it easy this time time?

What about the time that's constantly running out?

Running out on her like her father did after screwing her over twice?

Like she wished bad luck would?

Like she hope is doing everyday,

Would you give her your hope?

Tell her to share your dreams instead?

Would you share your dreams with her?

Your hope?

Tell me so I can tell her.

She is me.

I am her.

I can't  breathe and the funny this is-

no one is choking me.

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