Omake ~ 500 Reads Special

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"What are you hiding, Fae?" Andree's monotone voice made the silver haired girl flinch and spin around, hiding the cat behind her.

"Nothing!" the culprit answered a little too quickly making herself suspicious.

The brunette simply sighed before saying, "I'm not mad I just want to know why you're sneaking around."

Fae gave a guilty look and removed the cat from behind her back and holding it up like a shield. Andree was surprised at first then holding in another sigh she bluntly stated, "We're not keeping it."

Shock crossed the silver haired girl and whined loudly, "Why not?! The poor thing was soaked and it's not like it will cause any trouble."

By now Viktor and Fumiko had heard the commotion and come to see what was going on. At the sight of the cat still in Fae's hands the male jogged up to his boss and took the cat from her to hug.

"It's so cute! Can we keep it, please?" he asked while strangling the small being with his overpowered strength.

"You know if you keep squeezing it like that, you'll end up killing it." Fumiko piped up.

"Oh shut up Fumiko! The cat loves me isn't that right." Viktor stops trying to murder the cat and instead holds it up to his face. The feline seeing this as a chance to get revenge scratched the vampire on the face making blood red lines stream down his face. He dropped the cat and grabbed onto his face and started to complain about the possibility of scars despite vampires not scaring.

"See, this is why I said the cat was a bad idea." Andree imputed.

"Oh come on, Viktor was just being careless." Fae lightly protested.

"That thing is a demon, there is no way in hell we are keeping such a monster." The now healed male declared while he tried to put as much distance between him and the feline.

While the three continued their one against two fight Fumiko noticed the cat was slinking away. Quietly she picked up the cat and started to stroke the fluffy fur between its ears earning a purr from the contented creature.

The previously fighting vampires heard the purring animal and all turned to notice that a small, almost invisible smile had crept onto the girl's face. She turned to the mother of the group and with rare sparkles in her eyes asked, "Can we keep it?"

Her hopeful expression seemed to catch Andree off guard. She hesitated for a moment and stole a quick glance at her other two comrades varying expressions before giving a sigh and answered, "Fine."

Fae cheered at her victory against Viktor who paled and clearly wanted to protest on the final decision but didn't. Instead he opted to silently storm off and hide. Soon followed by Andree who was now tired of the situation and had better things to do.

"So, what are you going to name him?"

Fumiko thought for a moment before she answered, "Hanten."

"Oh, that's a good name. It's means spotted in your home language, correct?" The black-haired girl simply nodded and stroked the cat that had fallen asleep in her pale arms.

Fae smiled, happy to see her dear friend so happy over something as simple as a small cat that is bound to disappear and be forgotten as nothing more than a passing phase in their immortal lives. But if it could bring joy for even to the girl for even a moment, she was content with just that.


"And that is why Viktor won't go near any cat he sees." Fae finishes. The five were now sitting on the various couches and chairs dotted throughout the room while Viktor sulks in the corner trying to grow mushrooms.

"Haha, well it seems you have taken on a scary cat for a subordinate, dear sister."

"Maybe, but he is good with a sword and loyal, that's all that matters to me."

"Well, while I enjoyed the story, we should probably finish unpacking since we have been slacking off for the past hour." Andree interrupts the siblings. Everyone nods in agreement and continue with their nearly finished work.

 Everyone nods in agreement and continue with their nearly finished work

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