Come Home To Me

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Later That Night

I entered the house, my gun in my hand. I looked around and flipped the light switch on. It didn't come on.

"Norman." Riley said.

"Babe?" I questioned.

"I forgot to pay the power bill." Riley said and I walked towards her voice. She screamed when I bumped into her. My gun went off. I dropped it and she fell somewhere on the ground.

"Riley!" I screamed. I crawled around and grabbed a flashlight she was on the floor."RILEY." She opened her eyes and I saw the bullet swiped the side of her face.

"Damn it Normie!" She said coming back.

"I'm so sorry." I said and I picked her up. This is who she knows. I'm sure she knows fully what my jobs are but only one is legal. The second one she knows about the drugs and the money and she doesn't want to see it which is why the boys had to clean up. We switched conversation topics because she doesn't know that I'm a murderous, pill-popping, drug dealer. She just knows I'm an D.E.A. Agent and I'm a drug dealer- side money. She knows this softer side, something I had 24 hours 7 days a week until my twin daughters, Bella and Arabella, were shot and killed two years ago when their mother wasn't willing to give up custody. I lost myself from there. I have the feelings of emotion when I'm around Riley, like I need to protect her from everything....everybody.

I laid her on the bed and she looked at me.

"Weird day huh?" She asked as I ran to the bathroom for a wet washcloth. She placed it on the slide of her forehead.

"Yes, very strange." I said and she closed her eyes. I laid down next to her, I closed my eyes for a second before I awoke screaming. Nightmares are no joke. She sighed and looked at me.

"What happened?" She was used to this.

"I don't wanna talk about it?" She sighed.

"Fuck Norman, I can't help you if you don't let me." She said and moved her washcloth from her face. The scar wasn't bad yet. She had blood in her hair but nothing else was wrong.

"I don't wanna lose you." I won't tell her what happened with the boy.

"Why would you lose me?" I looked at her my eyes watering, and she held my hand.

"Baby,I did some really bad shit."

"Norman, if this has to do with drugs, it's on you. Whatever you've done, it's on you." She said and leaned back slowly falling back asleep. I hopped out of bed and placed the gun to her head. I thought about everything she knew and pulled the gun away. I walked to the living room and sat down on the couch. I put the gun to my head. Was it worth it? I put the gun away.

Five Months Later


I heard her come out the room. I blinked my eyes and she was breathing softly and she walked past me and went into the kitchen. She opened the fridge. I opened my eyes and she was pouring water into a cup. She closed the fridge, hopped on the counter and I sat up. I started walking towards her.

"Norman?" She questioned.

"Good morning Sweetheart." I said and she looked at me with some type of worry and placed her hand on my head.

"What time did you say you had to go?"

"7:40." She looked at her watch and she nodded.

"It's 7:15. Why don't you go get ready and I get the power and some breakfast." She said and I nodded. She had her hands behind my ears and they were so soft. She kissed me quickly and when she came back it was 7:30. She passed me my breakfast that she got from this ghetto diner a couple of blocks back. I kissed her and she smirked.

"You look nice in anything that's not tan."

"I'll go back to darker colors when summer is over but for now light gray and tan is all you're getting."

"I wanna start seeing some jeans in my future." She said before I hugged her goodbye.

"What's for lunch today?" I asked quickly.

"Well, Tony invited us for lunch at noon." Riley said and I nodded.

"Sounds good."


"So, I'm officially going to have to go back to that fat fuck's place to take the police step by step."

"Stan, do you need us?"

"No, they said just me since I was the first one in." They nodded and I dug in my pocket and shook my pill holder. A couple remained still. I grabbed one and placed the case back in my pocket. I walked to the board and grabbed a piece of chalk. I placed the pill in my jacket so I could take it right before the cops got here. I wrote our story on the board.

"Here's what "happened". We busted in the door. Half of us go on one side of the apartment, a quarter on the other side. Another quarter is searching for Mr.Lando. We find him, he shoots through the wall, bang we shoot him. Right before we got there he had shot his wife and daughter in the face. Apparently, his son was hit with the bullets from when he shot through the wall." I said and the intercom came on.

"Detective DeMarcus and Detective Daniel are here to see you."

"Tell them I'll be right down." I said hitting the button. I release it and I look at the guys.

"Mental notes boys, best notes you can have." I said erasing the board. I popped the pill and I turned my MP3 player on and put in my earphones. I walked down the stairs as slow as possible so I could get through this classical music piece. I paused it once I was in the officers company and we all headed out of the building.

Lando "That Fat Fucks" Apartment

"We know you're a busy man and we'll try to make this as short as possible. Now if you just take us step by step through exactly what happened." They said, and the pill was making me loopy but I figured it out.

"The guy was here, he went for his gun. Bang! We shot him." I motioned with my mind.

"Where exactly were the kids?"

"I don't know. They should have been at school, don't you think?" As I sprayed mouth wash into my mouth.

"But in the statement you said you were the first in didn't you see any kids? The door was broken. Did you follow the procedure?"

"I lost a good man here. What the fuck do you want with me?" Drugs, kids don't you ever do drugs. Ever.

"Cooperation." Detective DeMarcus said. I was losing my patience. I tried to calm down.

"I haven't got time for this Mickey Mouse bullshit!" Oh, lost my temper there,"You want cooperation? Come up my office, will you? Room 4602." I stormed out.

Riley's POV


"Riley." Tony said as I looked at my watch for the millionth time, I took a long lunch break so I could spend time with Norman and he's not even here.

"I'm just going to go back to work this was a waste of time. When you see him make sure you give him this." I passed him a box with a blue ribbon on it and I walked to the car. I paced out into my car and I drove off. I got back to the office and checked in.

"Officer Stroker." Allison, the intern's little voice said. I looked at her and the phone was in her hand. I came over.

"Officer Riley Stroker, how may I help you?"

"Riley, you're-"

Mr. Stansfield (The Professional & GTA 5& Breaking Bad Fan Fic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon