10. "ʏᴇᴀʜ, ᴡᴇ'ʀᴇ ᴅᴀᴛɪɴɢ."

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"What's up, Mr. Grumpy-pants!"

Iwaizumi opened his eyes and glanced at Terushima. "Don't call me that," he grumbled.

"I see you're as cheerful as always," said the blonde. "Actually, maybe a little more today than usual."

He rolled his eyes at the sarcasm. "What do you want?"

Terushima grinned. "I need a favor."

"Of course you do," he sighed. "What is it now? And no, I will not set you up on a date with my sister."

"That was in the past, Iwaizumi! Besides, this time I'm asking for the opposite."

He raised an eyebrow. "The opposite?"

"Yeah! Date me," declared the blonde.

Iwaizumi blinked. But he quickly came back to his senses and said, "No."

"Not for real! Pretend to date me, so I can make this girl jealous!" whined Terushima.

"Absolutely not. If the girl saw us together then she would think you're gay. She wouldn't even try to go after you." He chided.

"But she will. Just trust me on this, Iwaizumi! Please," the blonde pleaded.

Iwaizumi bit his lip. He had mentioned a tactic where he would make Oikawa jealous, but he figured that probably wouldn't turn out well since the brunette was already ignoring him.

"Find someone stupid enough to go along with your plan," he grumbled after thinking it through. "Leave me out of it."

Terushima pouted. "You're so mean, Iwaizumi. No wonder you're single."

Iwaizumi rolled his eyes, about to fire back with some retort when the bell rang for lunch. Terushima excused himself, saying that he was going to find someone else for his plan.

What idiot would be stupid enough to go along with that? He thought.

He walked towards the cafeteria, grabbing a tray of food, and looked for a familiar face to sit with.

Through the crowd, he spotted Mattsun and Makki. The two seemed to be arguing over something, so Iwaizumi thought he should probably sit somewhere else. Then he saw Bokuto and Kuroo, playfully messing around with each other.

He made way towards the two and plopped down on the seat next to Kuroo.

"Hey hey hey, Iwaizumi!" greeted Bokuto. The latter had a mouthful of rice and was about to take another spoonful when he suddenly choked. Kuroo greeted him with a wave and then handed a cup of water to Bokuto.

Iwaizumi acknowledged the two with a nod and began eating his own lunch. The two boys were talking about random things and occasionally, he would add in a bit to the conversation.

Lunch was peaceful and calm. As he listened to Bokuto and Kuroo, he found himself feeling bored. It's not that the two boys were boring, but he wished it was Oikawa he was sitting with.

Listening to the brunette talk about things was weirdly entertaining. Oikawa could make any topic sound interesting, and it was just fun to hear him talk. Lately, they've been eating together but since the brunette is avoiding him—

Iwaizumi snapped out of his thoughts when a fourth person arrived at the table.

"Agashi!" Bokuto said. "Where were you? I had to listen to Kuroo talk about his cats for like ever!"

Kuroo scoffed. "As if he wanted to see you choke on your rice."

Akaashi nodded absentmindedly at the two and then turned to face Iwaizumi. There was a serious look in the male's eyes that immediately made him anxious.

The curly-haired boy opened his mouth to speak when the cafeteria doors were kicked open very aggressively.

Iwaizumi turned his head, as did everyone else in the lunchroom, but only he fell back in surprise as he saw who it is.

Terushima was flashing a cocky smile as he walked in, one arm around Oikawa's shoulders. The expression on the brunette's face was smug, and almost seemed to be mocking Iwaizumi.

As he watched the two, he felt his heart in his throat and an unfamiliar ache in his chest.

What is he doing?

The two boys strutted right up to Iwaizumi's table; Iwaizumi was frozen stiff, unable to move or speak.

"You two are together now?" asked Kuroo.

Oikawa put on a dazzling smile and tilted his head. "Yeah, we're dating."

Iwaizumi was so shocked by the statement that he didn't even feel the tingling sensation on his left wrist.

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