Chapter 1

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Louis parked the car in the driveway and got out to grab Zayn who was still sleeping. Louis carried Zayn inside and laid him down on the bed in the spare bedroom. Harry unbuckled Loam and Niall and carried them inside. Louis came back downstairs an walked into the living room where Liam and Niall were playing. Louis sat next to Harry watching his sons play.

"Haz, I think we have to go shopping tomorrow." Louis said. "Okay." Harry replied. Niall walked over towards Harry and said,"Daddy Haz, I tired." "Okay. Let's go get ready for bed." Harry said, picking up the two year old. "Come on Liam. Time for bed." Louis said. "Coming Daddy Lou." Liam said walking over to Louis.

During the night, Harry was woken up by someone poking him and saying "Daddy Haz." Harry opened his eyes to see Liam standing there with tears falling down his face. "What's wrong?" Harry asked. "I wet the bed." Liam says. Harry quietly gets out if bed not wanting to wake up Louis and picks up Liam. "It's okay." Harry says, wiping away the tears that are streaming down Liam's face. Harry brings Liam into the bathroom and sets him on the toilet so he can run the bath. Once the water is warm, he undresses Liam and puts him in the tub.

"Do you wanna play or get out?" Harry asks Liam. "I want out." Liam said. Harry takes Liam out of the tub and wraps him in a towel. Harry carries Liam into the spare room next to Zayn's. Harry noticed between Zayn, Liam, and Niall they had: 5 pairs of shirts, 4 pairs of pants, 3 pairs of underwear, and 2 pairs of socks including 3 pairs of shoes. "Li, it's okay to wet the bed. I did when I was younger and I'm sure Daddy Lou did. Even Zayn." Harry told Liam while putting him in new pajamas.

Once Harry changes Liam, he pulls off the sheets of the bed. Harry put new sheets on the bed than tucked him in. "Daddy Haz?" Liam whispered. "What?" Harry replied, tiredly. "Can I sleep with you and Daddy Boobear?" Liam asked Harry. "Sure." Harry replied, taking Liam out of the bed and carrying him into his and Louis' bedroom.

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