"How old are you?".

"Seventeen, be eighteen in three months".

Bethany smiled then she scribbled down stuff into a notepad she had with her, "So you're in the 12th grade then".

I nodded slowly, "Yes, Bensalem high school".

Her deep brown eyes lit up with excitement, she raised her face up and away from the notepad then she grinned, "RJ goes there, also in the senior year".

I nodded slowly even though the name RJ didn't exactly occur to me.

Bensalem high school is one kind of school filled with rotten kids who changes their weird names so as not to be the school's laughing stock.

Imagine the kind of shame you go through when your name suddenly get changed from Dysebel to Jezebel just cause the two names sounds alike.

Poor thing, she transferred away from our school weeks after.

"You don't know any RJ do you?" She dropped the notepad on her laps then she smiled up mockingly at me, "Well RJ is my son, quite a mischievous boy I tell you- Just like his father".



A gentle looking woman married a mischievous man,


I leaned back in bed still feeling my head throbbing hard. My body was still burned up, my eyes seemed a bit wet and sour- probably from my crying only some few minutes ago.

I was coming up with a fever, a high fever or maybe it was just hunger- i could feel my stomach twist and could hear it grumbling.

I placed my head gently on the pillow, sighed, before shutting my eyes- feeling Bethany stare on at me.

I was hungry, weak, tired and I had this really bad ache in the head.

23rd of march?

23rd of march!

Away from home for two weeks.

I missed mom, missed my small room.

Why I was here?

Why the people were holding me up here?

Why the pale white girl tried to compel me into forgetting about that night?.

I had a lot of questions and i needed answers, answers to the questions that made my heart ache so bad.

My eyes stung pretty bad, my throat aching as I tried to choke in some tears. Suddenly I felt something trickle down my left cheeks- hot liquids that rolled out one after the other.


Aggatha are you crying again?.

I sniffled then I let the sobs out, my closed eyes still shedding tears, "Why am I here Bethany?".

"Mary...?" Her voice was in some sort of pained whisper. Emotions oozed out the way she spoke, "Mary they are a lot of things you don't want to know, a lot of things in this world you will never understand. Sometimes the universe keep things from us for our own safety. So now I would say nothing to you. My empty words guarantees your safety".

I'd expected that. Spoke just like my mom.

I rolled over in bed then I turned the other way before slowly fluttering my eyes open, then I could sight a huge dusty picture frame, face down against the wall. My eyes seemed to linger on it for a moment, staring at the old looking gold like frame.

MY DEVIL IN RED Where stories live. Discover now