The Party

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*everyone is in the main room having a good time*

*3 hours later*

Bear: *tries to open the door to leave but can't* well the door is locked.

Rhino: It is?

Bear: yep.

Rabbit: hold up let me just- *backs up a bit from the door then runs into the door* *falls to the ground*

Alien: oh my- *goes over to Rabbit* are you ok? *stays by rabbit*

Poodle: NEW OTP!

Penguin: wait- what was your OTP before hand?

Poodle: umm... you and Eagle.

Penguin: you got to be kidding me. I absolutely HATE him!

Eagle: *isn't paying attention*

Penguin: *glares at him*

Poodle: You like him

Penguin: * blushes* NO. I. DON'T. LIKE. HIM!!!!!!!!

Poodle: ok ok ok!

Pineapple: *grabs a chair and throws it at the door but the chair bounces off and hits Pineapple*

Unicorn: You good Pineapple?

Pineapple: Yep!

Penguin: *in head* welp reclass idiots are indestructible

Turtle: This door be too strong (don't mind the grammar)


Bear: You know, if I had a clip or a paperclip I could unlock the door.

Deer: I don't think there is any here.


Banana: and taco has gone mad and it's been *looks at watch* 2 minutes that we found out the door was locked.

Taco: *slowly turns to face Banana with a knife* what did you say about me?!?

Banana: Nothing!

Ice Cream: *is standing by a wall*

Flamingo:*in head* why were we all here in the first place

Fox: *is practically the only one that's chill*

Hippo: *is sitting in the corner rocking back and forth* just my luck.

Lion: *goes over to Hippo* are you ok?

Hippo: *Looks at Lion* was I ever ok?

Lion: Good point.

Leopard: *is standing by the door talking to ladybug* so how long do you think we are going to be in here?

Ladybug: I don't know.

Night Angel: *walks over* only for a couple more minutes.

Ladybug: how do you know?

Night Angel: I have my ways...

Lion: *goes over by the door and picks the lock*

Taco: *runs out the door* FREEDOM!

Banana: wow

(there are other people I know but these were the ones that fit into this story + the only ones i could think of)

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