The family members seemed to be oblivious of his presence as they continued to have fun, laughing and chatting loudly.

Xavier continued to stare out the window, his hands now folded and his body now warmed up. Suddenly he felt a gentle tap against his shoulder and when he whipped his head back he sighted Ferdinando, his almost too identical younger brother, but with really long black shiny hair, almost shoulder length.
Nando smiled,  his small lips parting almost too wide, "Couldn't stand the rain,  could you?", accentless voice- unlike his brother.

Xavier shrugged before directing his eyes back to the attractive lightning up in the sky, then spoke up in reply to his brother's mocking question,  "A werewolf got to be warm always".

Nando nodded,  then he stepped next to his brother now staring out the window too, seemingly enjoying nature's show, "How fun is this town".

"Not fun," Xavier said, almost with venom in his accented voice, "Not fun at all. Jaja didn't see the vision well this time. Jaja is very wrong, no sign of her".

"She will show up," Nando said,  trying to cool the rage he could now almost sight  in his brother's alluring eyes, "Jaja's vision never lie,  she'll still show up".

"They've got her Nando," Xavier seethed, "We were too late".

Nando sighed, "Not too, it's in the prophecy,  she will definitely be yours again.  She is bound to be".

Xavier nodded- almost too hope filled then he tore his eyes off the window, directing them straight to his brother's profile,

"Any sign?," he asked, "Spotted any vampire out there?".

"No," Nando shook his head before stepping closer to the mist covered window. Placing his right hand on it- he began to wipe off some mist. "Not a sign or scent of even one but When I was out gathering wood this morning,  Marietta said to have picked up a scent".

"So?" Xavier asked eagerly.

Nando stopped the wiping of the mist off the window,  his eyes now holding a pinch of dissapointment,  "We went after the scent but it disappeared deep in the woods".

"They're too good at wiping off their scent, " Xavier nodded his head dissapointedly, "We've being on this for the past two weeks. They just keep throwing us off their trail".

Then they both continued to stare out the window,  the sadness in Xavier 's heart very clear to his brother.  Nando scooted closer to him then he patted his damp shoulders dissapointedly, "It'll be fine. Jaja said three months. We still have a whole three month to find her".

Xavier sighed again,  before slowly pushing off his brother's hand away from him, "You don't have to pity me. I'm doing this Marietta not me.  I don't think she'll be able to wait three months. Look at her, " he tilted his head towards the fire place before sighing again,  the both brothers now staring with sad eyes the girl that sat close to the fire. "She's not happy, never being happy. I see her smile only once a year. Only on the night of her birthday".

"She's only being hard on herself,  just like you are too, you have to stop being this hard, too hard".

"It's my fault," Xavier stated, almost too weakly. Guilt pricking his heart over and his eyes almost shedding the unshed tears of many years ago, "She died in my hands, hope she forgives".

"Again," Nando patted his shoulder affectinately, filled with pity, "Too hard on yourselves, you and your daughter".

"She will never forgive".

"She will".

"I killed her, we killed her," Xavier whispered silently, his eyes glistening with pain and at that very painful moment the sky decided to light up with lightning,  the blue eletric like light illuminating his face, "Not intentional but we did. Take it or not, it's our fault".

Nando sighed, before looking away from his brother's gaze. His face now holding a submissive look, "Jaja says in three month the bond will be back".

Xavier kept on staring at his brother but pain in his eyes, "What if it doesn't?  What If we never find her?".

"Hope!," Nando was almost yelling,  visibly pissed off by his brother's persistent lack of hope, "Have any pinch of that left? We would find her, she will be yours again, maybe then the curse will be lifted then she can be yours forever".

"When? What day did Jaja give?".

"Month," Nando corrected, before wiping off mist from the window again, "Jaja mentioned month".

"What month?," Xavier asked again,  this time his eyes glistening with a bit of excitement.  "Will the bond be strong by then? I can't even feel her now neither can Etta".

"The month of June," A smirk was now dancing on Nando 's lips as he continued to wipe off the window pane focusing half his attention on it.  "June, the month she is finally come of age. The bond would be so strong you would feel it surge through you like sparks of lightning, you would be able to pick up her scent- even from miles away. She's gonna be yours again. I assure you Xavier, just believe in this".

Xavier nodded and he did feel his heart pump faster as a sign of excitement. He bit on his lower lip feeling his body heat up and react to Nando 's words of hope same way he would have reacted to her touch, her kisses, her hugs. He closed his eyes, then took in the pleasure before snapping them open almost immediately to meet the nasty look on his brother's place.

Nando smirked, knowing too well how his brother felt at the moment. He could scent the aroused smell that came from him. Taking a step closer, he tapped his brother's shoulder mockingly before speaking, "By june you'll get to satisfy your urge and your daughter would get what she's always deserved," their eyes both trailed off to the girl by the fire side once again. The scenario feeling all too suspense filled, "A mother".

Nando's voice clashed with the thunder, the wind blew more harshly against the window pane threatening to break into the house, the lightning lit up brightly in the dark clouds and like on impulse Marietta snapped her head towards their direction the lightning illuminating her face and, her pale blue eyes staring directly back at her father's, piercing them. The lightining lit up the sky again,  this time more brighter than the last one and with that light Xavier could almost sight her smiling, almost thought he saw her lips part into genuine smile but when the lightning lit up her face it was clear, she had on a proud smile, a smile that reminded him so very much of her mother, a smile that made his heart beat faster. He could almost sight her in his daughter, almost every features. Her smile reminded him on how quick he had to find her, how guilty he would feel if he losed to them again. Her smile reminded on how much he had to make them a happy family,  keep her as his- forever and ever,  ETERNITY.

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