13. F.R.I.E.N.D.S

Start from the beginning

"U know. You look hot when you get angry " mew said with a low voice and his hand slowly traveled back of the gulf neck and pushed him near to his lips.

"Hubby! If you forget, I am scolding you " gulf spoke as he is almost kissed by mew.

*Mew sighed *

"Umm...You can scold me later. But now - " mew attached his lips with gulf and grabbed him into his lap.

Gulf sat in mew lap with his legs around his waist and arms around his neck. Their lips moved in sync. They parted their lips by allowing others tongue into their mouth. Usually, gulf doesn't fight for the take over there kiss but this time his tongue fought with other ones...

But no chance. Mew took over the charge and gulf gave up letting mew's
tongue travel through his warm mouth.

By the second they pulled back from the kiss to breathe mew pinned him on the couch by hovering on top of his body. Once again mew started kissing.
Gulf hand traveled through the soft hair of mew and another hand around mew shoulder keeping him close to his body.

Mew hand traveled down gulf body. He let his hands inside gulf t-shirt exploring his body with his hands. His hands cupped gulf hips and his lips left the younger one's lips and reached his neck. Mew inhaled the sweet order of gulf through his neck by leaving some soft kisses.

Within seconds those soft kisses turned into hungry and lustful kisses. He bite his neck which made gulf to moan. Mew left some soft kisses on the hickey he gave just now and mew lips traveled down to his chest.

Mew kissed his the chest with his t-shirt still on. Mew hands which were exploring gulf thighs traveled back to his hips and made his way to remove gulf t-shirt.......

*Ring* * * Ring *

None of them bothered to pick up the phone.

* knock * * knock *

Someone knocked from the other side of the door. Still, they ignored it and continued what they are doing but that's when they knocked again

*knock * * knock*

Mew pulled off the kiss. Gulf groaning
by missing mew touch.

"Shit- I will kill them if it's not important" gulf shouted as mew smirked by moving away from the top of gulf.

"I will go check it " gulf walked to the door angrily.

"Who the hell-" gulf gulped his words as he saw Lilly standing in front of his door.

"Hey hi! How do you know my address?" Gulf asked surprisingly

Lilly did not answer his question and changed the topic quickly.

"Is cuppy here? " Lilly asked by peeking into the house above gulf shoulders.

"No...She is not here today. She came here last Sunday for a project and we finished it already.so, she did not come here this Sunday " gulf explained

"Oh..sorry! I forget you finished your project last Sunday itself right " Lilly acted like she really forgot that

"So, Iam here anyway. Why don't we hang out? I will call all of them " she tried to pick her phone from the bag

"Umm...Actually, we were in the middle of doing some important work
I think it takes a long time to complete it. Why don't we hang out next time " gulf blushed as he remembered the important work he is doing just now.

"Oh...Okay, then next time " Lilly said in fake disappointment which gulf thought was real.

They waved and walked away. Gulf turned around by closing the door behind.

Soon after he turned around he met with mew eyes.

"Shall we continue our important work?" mew said by licking his lips

"Did you hear - " before gulf could complete his words .mew grabbed his waist and attached their lips once more.

They both walked to the couch without breaking the kiss. As gulf ankle hit the couch he lost balance and fell on the couch with mew on the top. Mew pulled their shirts off without wasting another second and started kissing him again

*boom* *boom* ( I stopped in a half way again. I will soon write a full smut scene)

Lilly walked out of their house and called someone soon after she is out of the house.

"Did you? " someone asked front he another side of the phone

"No...I can't...I don't want to...why do I -- " Lilly yelled

"Oh...oh..oh...cool down miss. Did you forget the result of refusing to do this? " that man said with a devil smile

"I am lying to my friends and my love cuppy. I don't want to do this. " Lilly almost begged.

" oh, really but I just proposed your name to a magazine cover Model Lilly.
U can quit if you don't want to have this chance. Think twice it will be the best thing in your career " that person spoke

Lilly took a long breath and said okay.

"Good choice .smart girl. So, Did you manage to get gulf not to spend time with mew today. " that person asked.

"No..He clearly declined in my face. And I saw Hickeys on his neck. They really love each other it's hard to break them " Lilly said

"I know. That's why I choose you to do that for me. Now, Inform me of everything about gulf. Don't leave a single chance. And I should really appreciate you for making friends with him this fast " that person praised

"It's not easy at all. I lied cuppy and asked her to make friends with gulf. As she became his friend I easily made friends with him as she introduced him to us " lilly spoke.

"What did you say to cuppy that she accepted to made friends to gulf," that person asked curiously

"That's not important it took me nearly the whole winter break to convenience her. If she knows I asked her make friends with him just because to work for you. I will be done " Lilly hissed

"Okay okay...you did well. I will come up with another plan. Keep an eye on gulf "

"Okay "Lilly hung up

She walked away from there.

So. Interesting and hot chapter right.

Actually, I don't really decide to write a make out of the scene but suddenly I felt to write it and just did it.

Hope you enjoyed it.....😁

Quick question:

What gift did you get/give from/to your sibling on Raksha Bandhan?

Cuppy: Actually, I have an elder brother who is 3 years older than me
And he gave me a black leather backup which Iam planning to but for a long time. But I did not buy it as it was costly.
He really surprised me. I was so happy.

Happy Raksha Bandhan to all My Indian readers...i know I am late but still 😁

And for another country readers

Happy friendship day....luv you all

I am late at wishing this too but still..😂

Bye good night

Luv ya 😍

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