Heiress 16: Assassination Mission

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Heiress 16

Jess's POV


I sat up and answered my phone.

[Meeting room.] she said and hanged up.

I looked at the call history and saw that it's Lavalee who had just called.

I went to the meeting room and I saw that Chelsea and Irene are also there.

"Hi!" Lavalee's face flashed on the screen

"Why did you wake us up in the middle of the night?" Irene asked

"Actually it's only 11:17PM. Anyways, you got an assassination assignment." She said

"Us?" I clarified

"Yeah. The three of you will be doing this assassination assignment without me." She said and then she flashed two pictures

"These are your targets." She said and we looked at the pictures and their labels

There are two targets;

The Mafia Head and The Mafia Successor.

"If we're going to assassinate the head and successor it would be the fall of that Mafia." Chelsea said

"Exactly. Your assassination assignment isn't just about assassinating the Mafia Head and Successor, though they are your main target." Lavalee said

"What exactly is our assignment?" I asked her and she smiled excitedly

"You're going to annihilate!" she said excitedly

"Annihilation?" Chelsea asked to make sure

"Yes! You'll be annihilating the whole Mafia! Isn't it exciting?" Lavalee said

"I'm excited." I said

"This is going to be fun." Irene commented

"Why aren't you coming with us?" I asked her

"Nii-sama doesn't want me to. I can't defy him this time." Lavalee said and I saw I glint of sadness in her eyes

"Is it because of your warning?" Chelsea asked

Wait what?

Lavalee has a warning.

"Yeah. Nii-sama doesn't want to complicate things so we have to lie low for awhile, it's alright for you three to do things you what you want to do, though." She smiled at us but I know she's hiding the pain

"You have your first warning?" Irene asked her

"Yeah. I did but you don't have to worry." Lavalee shrugged her shoulder.

"Alright, where's the location?" Chelsea asked

"I sent the coordinates of the place to you iPad, Chelsea. As well as the the mansion's blueprint and floor plan." Lavalee said

"What's approximate number of enemies?" Irene asked

"Just about a thousand. You should pay attention to their features though." Lavalee said making us confuse

"Why?" I asked her

"Well the underlings are the ones whose faces are all covered with mask, the movie type of bad guys, you know? The higher ups are the ones who are freely roaming the place without any disguise and of course the guards are heavily guarded." Lavalee said

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