-Anne Shirley-Cuthbert...Anne with an E.

-Nice meeting you, Anne with an E.

-You too. These are my friends, Diana Barry and Ruby Gillis.

-Hi- they both said shyly in unison, as if they were astonished by his handsomeness. The redhead mentally face-palmed herself at the stupidity of her friends.

-You are here a bit early, school doesn't start for another half an hour.

-Yeah, I know, my mom just came to talk to the principal

-Oh, meanwhile, if you want, we can show you around the school.

-That would be great, thank you.

Diana decided to stay and "help Ruby study". She actually noticed how Noah was gazing at her best friend, and she didn't want to intrude, so she just made up an excuse. Of course, the minute they left their hearing range, both girls started commenting on the way he was looking at her. They watched their exchange from afar; Their chuckles and smiles didn't go unnoticed.


After showing him the most important spots, they sat in the lab, Anne going through every member of her group of friends, to which she hoped he'd join.

-First, there's Jerry. He's an exchange student from France who's living with us, and he is basically my brother. He can be a pain in the ass, but he's a really fun guy. Diana's his girlfriend.

-That's the brunette I just met, right?

-Exactly. She's the mom of the group, as well as my bosom friend, and a kindred spirit, along with my other friend, Cole. He is an amazing artist, and unintentionally funny. Then, there's the blonde girl you just met, Ruby. She is the event planner of the group, romanticizes everything, and sensitive. I love her. She's Moody's girlfriend, who is the clumsy one, but so pure. Then there's Charlie, who loves teasing everyone, but at the same time is extremely loyal. He's dating Jane, who seems calm from the outside, but she's a savage when she wants to.

Noah gazed at her with half a smile. He admired how she carelessly talked and talked, as if they had known each other for years. The boy found her, not only beautiful, but also confident, which he thought was attractive.

-Tillie is the laid-back one. She says everything that crosses her mind, and loves highlighting when a situation "is getting hot"- she bent her fingers in the air, representing the quotation marks, and he tittered- She is an icon. Then there's Josie, the gossip and stalker of the group. If you want to know anything about anyone, she's your guy. She's the bitchy one. She used to do it because she was rude, but know she does it with love. Then, there's my best friend, Blythe... Gilbert Blythe. He's the gentleman of the group, usually the responsible one, and literally the golden boy. If you are his friend, he'll go to hell and back for you. Still, he pretends to be this charming guy, but he's a complete dork. His sense of humor sucks a little bit, but Sadly, you won't be able to meet him until July 3rd because he's in London because of his football.

-Oh... He's the one you like, right?

-No way. He's just my best friend. What makes you think that?

-Just... the way you talk about him.

-Anyway, that's it, those are all the ones in the group.

-What about you?

-Oh, I'm...passionate?- she giggled, spreading her smile to the boy- I'm outspoken, I always speak my mind. I have a pretty big imagination, and that makes me very absent-minded, because I'm always in my head. I'm also extremely talkative, and many people find it annoying, so if you get tired of my rambling you can tell me and I'll try to control myself.

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