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Hi everyone! I'm flying through these first few chapters so make sure you add this book to your reading list, I'm hoping to be doing regular updates! This chapter will be in Mason's perspective.

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-H xx

*Mason POV* Around one hour after he left The Black Horse.

Mason barrelled through the forest like a clap of thunder. If the weather mirrored his mood, there would have been a storm so great it would have destroyed the earth beneath it. The forest seemed to close in on itself, as though it could recognise the danger. The trees stopped swaying in the night wind and the clouds covered over the moon leaving Mason in pure darkness. Mason was losing control and it didn't help that his trusted advisor, his best friend...

Was the one to unravel him.

Crashing through the brush, rabbits, deer and birds fled in fright, their sleep disturbed, as Mason's wolf snapped and snarled at any creature who dared not to move out of his way. A rabbit got caught beneath him and he quickly snapped it up in his fearsome jaws, crushing it as though it were a grape. He dropped the deceased rabbit, after tossing it about gruesomely, and continued on his warpath. His four paws thundered against the ground and the wind lashed around his deep, black fur as he pushed forwards through the forest.

Suddenly Mason came to a screeching halt as he sensed another wolf not far behind him galloping forwards to try and catch up to him. Inhaling the scent he let out a deep, warning growl for the second wolf to turn around. When they didn't, Mason let out another guttural snarl. This time, it was an order. An Alpha's order. The second wolf stopped running immediately, but he was already within sight.

Head bowed submissively, the russet brown wolf stepped into view and sat down on his haunches. Isaac was feeling guilty, but he wasn't even sure what about. He timidly lifted his head to peek at his friend, the much larger, midnight black wolf was pacing in front of him. Red drool escaping from his panting mouth, Mason looked more like a rabid than an Alpha. Isaac licked his lips and waited for his Alpha to make the next move, if he spoke out of turn; it was deeply disrespectful and considering Mason's mood, was punishable.

Finally, through the longest, morbid silence, Mason heaved a sigh and closed his eyes. Shaking out his long fur, he willed the bones in his body to break and transform, allowing the DNA that created him as both man and wolf to change its form and become human again. His fur blew away on the breeze, his canines disappeared back inside his gums and his eyes returned from their alien black, to his more humane deep, chocolate brown.

Following Mason's transformation, Isaac quickly copied, not wanting his Alpha to wait around any longer than need be. He was confused as to why his best friend was so angry at him, he hadn't been this way in a long time. Stretching himself up, Isaac was aware of his panting chest, where Mason stood as still as stone. He waited, in another painstaking silence, for Mason to speak.

"You had no right," The Alpha spoke finally, but his teeth were bared and gritted together, as though he had difficulty stringing the four words together.

"To do what?" Isaac cried. "I haven't done anything wrong, or at least I don't think I have!"

Mason ran a hand through his hair and wiped his mouth, frowning at the blood that was now coating his hand instead of his lips. Rabbit. Not the tastiest. Naked as the day he was born, Mason strode towards Isaac and stopped still in front him, the size difference giving him the feeling of power that he needed.

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