march 5th

30 4 0

every silver line
turns red and dull
tell me if she tried
would you let her go on

for tonight i was alone
and made mistakes no one could forgive
it was tonight i loathed
for starting habits i could not forget

it went on and on
the dripping regret
today i committed a crime
but only one, that is

only one crime committed 
and two promises broken
only three slashes made
but regardless, are still bleeding

and i am trying to hide 
the things i have done
but they continue to line my skin
and cannot be undone

to this day i have scars
from march the fifth
to this day i have lied
about what happened

because to be quite blunt
that night i became paler
from the loss of blood
and my first time with silver

and though i regret it now
in that moment i smiled
this was a tragic day
because it was the day, 
the world had yet another bleeding child

( 2018 )

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