Chapter 1:Leaving

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As Anakin stood before the council he looked down. Like he was holding back emotions that had to be expressed.

"Master Skywalker, wrong we were in our accusations we were. A Jedi Master you can return to being." Said the grand Master.

"Here that SkyGuy, we get to lead the 501st again." Said the Togrutan Jedi Knight beside him.

"That would be nice but... That will be your job now." He said solemly. Everyone looked at him shocked.

"What are you saying Anakin?" Asked his former Master stroking his beard.

"I'm not coming back. Not after this. Not after what you did to Barriss. Not after what I went through. I just.... can't. I'm sorry." The former Jedi turned and left in a hurry.

As he walked down the halls he got stairs of pity. Some had happy faces. Alot of Jedi were jealous of Anakin due to his prowess in the force. Not that he's leaving they're hoping to get more fame. Which will never come.

As he neared the edges of the temple a voice stopped him.

"Master wait, please." His crying former padawan turned Knight had tear stains running down her cheeks.

"Yes, Ahsoka." He said blankly.

"You can't just leave. I stood up for you. I helped you. You can't do this to me." She cried.

"Ahsoka, I'm done with the Jedi. Maybe I'll come back one day when the Jedi have changed but now...not now."

And like that the Ex Jedi left his friend, his sister to cry and sob. But she had hope. If the Jedi changed she could have her brother back.

Currently Anakin was in the underworld. He hid his lightsaber in his boot as to not draw suspicion. He was looking for an old friend who he wanted to partner up with.

He was about to check a bar when he heard a familiar voice.

"P-please, stop.", Cried the broken voice. Anakin rushed towards the area of origin only to see  who he was looking for.

It was Barriss. Surrounded by three Zygerians.

"Either you suck or you body isn't found. Your choice slave."

Slave. That word sent Anakin into a rage.

He used the force to choke one of them and snapped his neck, the other he decapitated. The last one hr stabbed in the chest.

He stretched his hand out to Barriss. She stood on her own.

"I am at your service Master." She said as if she were in a daze.

"Barriss it's me. Anakin." He proclaimed.

"Anakin? Oh. Have the Jedi sent you to finish me off?" She asked softly. Her eyes never meeting his. She looked...broken.

"No. I left the order. What happened to you." He asked.

"That doesn't matter. I am but a worthless slave who is completely obedient to her master." She said. It was as if she were reading from a script.

"Barriss. What did they do to you. Tell me." He demanded softly.

"I was sent to a slave training facility. They broke me. Those three were my master and his minions minions. They brought me here to. To. *Sniff* Zygerian law says it's illegal to rape a servant slave. Since you killed them by law your my master." She was now crying. Anakin simply held her. It was a shock. She had only feit beatings and the like. In all her life and had never gotten a hug. It was then that anakin noticed what she was wearing. He thought to himself, "not bad."


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"So. What is your bidding Master?" She asked happily. She felt as if she had finally found a master who cared.

"*Sigh* does it make you feel better if you call me Master?" He asked. He never liked the word.

She nodded.

"Fine. I came here looking for you and someone else. I figured I would need a job and I thought of one. Bounty Hunters." He said.

"Sounds like a plan. But first we need to get off this planet." Barriss added.

"I have that covered. I bought a ship while I was on the run. Let's go."

"Coming Master!" Barriss beamed.

Anakin was conflicted. He was once a slave himseft but now to hear someone call him Master was heartbreaking. Even more heartbreaking was the pain and trials she must've gone through. Her eyes always looked broken and empty except for when he was talking to her. She always walked behind him which he promptly notice. He noticed the stares hr got from the others. Lustful stares at the green skinned humanoid. He could see her shaking.

He did something unexpected. He waited for her to catch up then wrapped his left arm around her in a comforting manner. She was shocked but then calmed down.

"I was once a slave." He said kindly. She looked up at him with shock.

"Every day. Id wake up to the dunes of Tatooine only to realize I was still owned by someone. Every night I would sneak out to meet up with my tormenters. Every time I was actioned off to the highest bidding woman for sexual release. Then I would be beaten over and over and over again. So you see I know how you feel. That's why I cringe at you calling me master." As Anakin told his Story he could hear Barriss snuffling.

"I'm so sorry. But the truth is I don't want to be free. I have no purpose in life anymore but to serve. So please, let me be your slave. I would be honored to have you as a Master." She said quietly so no one would hear.

"I uhh. Fine but let's say your my servant/ partner okay? You are no longer a slave. Your my Servant. A slave is used and exploited. A servant merely helps and is rewarded. Your reward will be being my apprentice. You never finished your training so I wish to complete it. Understand." He asked.

"Understood, Master." She said. She was beginning to slowdown. It was then Anakin noticed the bags under her eyes.

"When was the last time you slept?" He asked considerately.

"A few days ago? Why?" She said casually.

"No no. That's not healthy at all. There's a bedroom on the ship. You can just with me on the other bed. Oh we're here." Said the former Jedi. He looked down to see Barriss collapsing on his chest. He reacted by carrying her bridal style and walking into his ship. He made his way to the bedroom as laid her in the bed.

"Sleep well my dear." He said softly. The two former were once labeled as lovers yet there was no evidence. Truth is they both have feelings for eachother that they are afraid of. They fear rejection and animosity.

They fear the unknown.

Words 1137

Posted 6/8/2020

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