July /27*Lunch break*

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Boo!! This is an art work I made on top for the story some might of seen it but I've been thinking of the other characters I decided on putting BUT NO SPOILERS MKAYS!!!

Anyway please enjoy!!!>w<

>Author pov<

Birds chirp all around the trees outside the window that a couple of students where looking at and making one of those students, Amane Yugi. Lots of girls looked at him tried to catch his eyes towards them, but nothing worked. He only looks at them when approaching him, other than that he ignores them.

*☆Amane's Pov☆*

After my last class, before lunch, finished I ran so fast in the halls, towards my locker for my things to head up towards the rooftop.

I'm not going to lie, I'm nervous to see her up there. Her pretty smile, smiling at me and her large magenta eyes that I fall for their charm so many times.

Just her herself I feel like I'm a weakly for...

I stopped running when I saw a girl went infront of me. She then asked me if we could talk in private, PRIVATE IN ANOTHER PLACE WHAT BUT I HAVE TO GO TOWARDS THE ROOF TOP OR YASHIRO WIL-
"P-please stay for a while here" she looked the other way towards the ground.

I'm staying for a while, only a while then heading straight to Yashiro. Hey I might be out there sometimes but I can be a gentleman too!!!

But, it's kinda feels like I'm a ticking bomb just by waiting for this girl to tell me what she needs to say.

"I-I like you Yugi-Kun!!" She said.

While that moment, I swear I saw Yashiro's teal tips flowing through the air behind that corner.

"Yeah, sorry I barely know you" I walked away from her.

I could hear the girl's tears but Yashiro must of got the wrong idea. I looked behide the corner I last saw her. I need to see her, Yashiro must be jealous that thought doesn't seem much like Yashiro since I'm not her type...

I might of looked through her things to see what's her ideal type of guy and I found it was a guy like Minamoto Teru I don't know what's the difference between me and him. He looks like a sunshine I guess, I look more like midnight "ah well" I said a loud.

I then ran again, up to the rooftop. She wasn't there, did she go back to class? I wasn't early for sure, I looked up at the sky. The door creaked open I turned my head seeing Yashiro there.

"I was looking for you everywhere Amane-kun!!" She said while a tint of blush creeped up her face.

I laughed, while smirking at her. She was so childish, she already found me not here but where I last was.

So I might be right she is jealous. "Hey Amane-kun" I looked at her with curiosity.
"Would you like some of my bento?* she smiled at me while holding her light pink chopsticks up with a rice ball on the end of it.

I scooted myself closer to her and ate the rice ball off her chopsticks "mmm it's yummy did you make it yashiro?" I looked at her and she was red, I felt my face warm I tried hiding my face she did the same "Yes, I made it myself t-thank you"

579 words

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2020 ⏰

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