“Well, hopefully I’ll get out soon, and I’d be able to see the outside world. I haven’t been here THAT long really, but it’s hard to remember what the outside world looks like. Makes me feel sorry for the people that basically will live here for the rest of their lives,” like Harry, Louis sighed

“Yeah, it would suck. We could be here for as long as we could know, until Niall is taught how to control his problem or if he gets over it, whatever comes first, and then I have to show that my “schizophrenia” is better… we could be here for a couple years, if honestly,”

Louis frowns

“It’s gonna suck, in all honesty,” Niall whispered, stuttering

Niall’s hands shook so badly that even Louis felt sorry for him. Louis has had a fair experience with panic attacks and he felt like he was going to die every time but he felt bad for Niall. The fact Niall would be living with this basically every day for the rest of his life made Louis want to cry. Louis’ attention was diverted when he heard a scream that he would probably hear in horror movies. Niall almost jumped out of his skin and Louis leapt up, looking towards the problem. There was a younger patient convulsing on the floor that seemed to be bleeding fairly heavily. All the patients within the commons were dead silent slowly backing away from the scene but Louis found his feet and wondered over.  Two guard were holding her down while another surveyed the damage.

“Epileptic fit, I’ll wheel her to the nurse’s office,”

When the blonde haired woman was lifted into a chair and strapped in, Louis looked over to the man that was strapping her in. Louis felt his blood freeze in his veins and his mouth run dry. He wanted to take a step forward, he wanted to shout. The entire room around him disappeared, the noise was gone. There was no more than a 5 meters between Louis and the man so similar but so different in front of him. Louis swears its Harry. This man has the same wild brunette curls, but they seem so much cleaner and brushed neatly. The man is the same height, the same build, and the same fucking skin colour. The man turns around and surveys each patient to see if someone is going to attack him.

“Harry,” Louis whispers, weakly. It’s nowhere near loud enough for this man to hear him but Louis’ knees begin to buckle.

Piercing cold green eyes stare at him and his eyebrows a knitted together in slight frustration. Those eyes could only belong to one person and this man was Harry Styles. Why was Harry Styles wearing a guards uniform? Why isn’t Harry walking over with a smoke between his fingers and smirking like a fool. Louis wants to cry when this man speaks and it’s the sweet sound of Harry’s voice, except Louis isn’t taking in the words. Harry’s walking towards him and Louis’ eyes widen.

“H-Harry where have you been? You’ve been gone for so long, what’s wrong with you? What happened? Why are you in a guards uniform?”

The questions won’t stop coming and Louis tries to touch Harry’s arm to see if this is real, except Harry swats his hand away and slightly lowers himself so he’s looking closely at Louis’ face and Louis is forced to stare into the green abyss on Harry’s eyes.

“What is it with you people calling me Harry? It’s Jake,”

Harry lifts his hand and his long slender pale finger touches the name badge that hangs on his uniform. Louis looks down slowly, swallowing thickly. He shakes his head and the room is spinning. The name badge reads Jake but this man is Harry. There’s no mistaking the curls, the eyes, the height. Yes, Harry’s been cleaned up of any visible dirt, he’s so clean but Louis could never say it’s not Harry.

“You’re Harry. Harry Styles,” Louis speaks, voice wavering

Harry visibly rolls his eyes and exhales.

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