Danny trembled, fear tingling through her even stronger now. Viserys leaned closer in a mocking tone, "And you will be his queen."

Danny was called forward so that the Khal could look at her closely, her feet shuffled and her heart pounded. Viserys let her go, pleased he had gotten under her skin but knowing he needed the brute on a horse to like her.

The Khal watched as the young woman walked towards him, his eyes tracing over her exotic appearance. He was the greatest of Khals, never lost a battle and never fell from his horse. Many horse lords would have dozens of beautiful women for their tent by now, but he sought after something that was as unique as himself. He wanted the best, though he cared little for bloodlines and titles. The Dothraki only needed the Khal and the Great Stallion.

The woman who stood before him had the innocence of a girl, pure and frightful. She was clean and held a beauty he had seen only in imitation before. Her silver hair and pale flesh was in stark contrast to his own. Paired with her small-framed body, she was something to behold. Above all else, her eyes were the most beautiful shade of violet that seemed to transform the more he looked into a deeper, richer color.

He would need to find the best gift for her. With one last look, the Khal drank her into his memory and turned his horse around. His blood riders followed suit as they left their future Khaleesi behind.

Viserys panicked when the horselord left, afraid Danny had ruined everything. "Where's he going?" His tone was a bit high pitched with worry.

Magister Illyrio Mopatis sighed inside, but never let his irritation show. "The ceremony is over."

Viserys gripped his sword hilt, his eyes wild as he looked to Illyrio. "B-but he didn't say anything at all, how do we know if he liked her?"

Illyrio stared at Danny's back in thought, knowing Viserys wanted an answer. "Trust me, your Grace. If Khal Drogo didn't like her, we would know."

Danny turned to trail after Illyrio and Viserys, her mind on the horselord. She was frightened by him, though he sparked an interest in the back of her mind. A brute, a barbarian who was to be her husband. All conversation between Illyrio and Viserys was drowned out by her thoughts of the Khal.

Hadn't she been meant to be Queen of Westeros beside Viserys? That would never happen if she became a savage's bride.

Welcome of Winterfell

The Starks waited in hush, all save one who darted to and fro, a soldier's cap upon her head. Little Arya was filled with too much curiosity to stand still with the rest. She wanted to see the King, but even more she wanted to see the Kingslayer and the Imp. Jumping onto a cart, she climbed, her eyes peering towards the gates with enthusiasm.

Her absence did not go unnoticed by her family, her mother practically scolding Sansa for her sister wondering off. The girl's brothers just gave cheeky smiles, knowing their little sister simply couldn't be tamed. A wild one, she was, so unlike her elder sister. It was the Stark blood, Ned said when Caitlyn complained.

Ned stood tall, his eyes overlooking everything. In his mind, he replayed the conversation he and his wife had had that day the raven came. The crushing blow of Jon Arryn's death, a man who was a father to him and Robert both. A man who committed treason for them, refusing to deliver their heads to Kingslanding all those years ago. The war may have been named Robert's Rebellion, but it was born from Jon Arryn's love for his wards.

Caitlyn Stark was at a loss this day, her mind trying to only focus on the future task of hosting the royal family. It was a daunting one, something she should feel all pressure from. However it wasn't the most pressing thing on her mind. No, due to Ned's sudden revelation of what could only have been guilt-inducing agony, Caitlyn Stark had something else weighing down on her mind. Her heart broken again after sixteen years and this time all due to her own selfish misgivings. Would there even be enough time to reconcile, to grow a fondness and show a mother's love?

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