As I headed to gorilla I regained my composure and congratulated Ryback on his win over Cesaro. My match was next and as Summer Rae made her way into the ring I popped my knuckles and neck ready for an all out brawl, and I heard my music hit. "Adrenalize" played throughout the arena and the crowd went wild. I stood at the top of the ramp raising my title high in the air taking in the crowds energy.

I slid into the ring and perched myself up on the top turn buckle and raised my title once more looking out at the crowd and letting my music do just as its name says.

I hopped down and handed the ref my title "The following contest is for the Diva's Championship. Introducing first the challenger, from Raleigh, North Carolina, Summer Rae" Eden's voice filled the arena. "And her opponent, from San Antonio, Texas, she is the Diva's Champion, Vanessa!" This was it.

The ref signaled for the bell and Summer and I met in the middle of the ring, exchanging vicious blows and hard kicks until I got the upper hand with a knee to her midsection. As I went for a neck breaker she reversed with a hair toss, throwing me into the turnbuckle. Despite her barrage of kicks, I fought my way out with an elbow to her jaw.

The crowds energy was incredible and they cheered for both of us as we fought for control of the battle. I hit Summer Rae with a hurracanrana and went for the pin but after she kicked out at two, I went to the top turnbuckle. I set up for a Senton bomb but Summer pulled her knees up and I writhed in pain from the impact. We had a back and forth battle for over ten minutes, gaining and reversing each other's momentum until we fell to our knees.

Once we both got to our feet and I knew what was coming next, Summer Time, a spinning heel kick, but as I ducked I connected with a falling over head kick. I went for the pin once more but it was no good as Summer kicked out again at two. I pounded the ground in frustration as Summer pulled herself up using the corner turnbuckles. I lunged at her but was held back by the ref, giving Summer Rae a chance to capitalize. Little did I know as she pretended to be helpless, she undid the cover, exposing the turnbuckle's metal hook. When I finally made it past the ref Summer threw me into the exposed turnbuckle and pinned me to the mat.

"Fuck" I groaned and kicked out at one and a half and touched my forehead feeling a warm thick liquid trickle down my face. 'So much for taking it easy on her' I thought to myself sarcastically as I hit her with a superkick to the face and the crowd chanted "ECW" when they saw blood dripping from Summer's nose. While she was down I went high again and set up for a moonsault, hitting my target and going right into the pin.

"1..2--" she was putting up a fight but I wasn't done either. I grabbed a handful of her hair and dragged her towards the ropes putting her head through the second and third ropes. I let out a vicious war cry and did a springboard leg drop, landing on the apron. As Summer laid on the mat coughing and writhing in pain I quickly climbed to the top rope but was hit with a hard heel kick that echoed through the arena, causing me to hit the ground hard.

I was honestly impressed with the amount of fight Summer had left, but I had to keep my eye squinting to keep the blood that dripped from my forehead at bay. She slid out of the ring, holding her midsection, but before she could take advantage of my weakened state I hit her with a running knee, transitioning right into a DDT. The ref had already started the ten count, and I dragged her limp body back into the ring before the count of eight. I quickly wiped the blood from my forehead, never giving the ref a chance to check on my wound nor Summer's.

If I wanted to win the match, I had to end it fast and I had I end it now. I perched myself on the exposed turnbuckle and waited for my perfect opportunity. As Summer Rae struggled to get to her feet, the crowd cheered in excitement and anticipation. Once Summer was steady, I hit her with Starcrossed Wasteland.

"1...2...3!" After a hard fought battle I was still the champion and before the ref could even hold my hand up in victory, the ringside medics rushed in to treat mine and Summer's injuries. The crowd started chanting "That was awesome" I shrugged off the medics as I took my title from the ref. I looked over to Summer who was still groggy from my finisher. After the medics checked on her, they stepped back allowing me to look her in the eye. We stood in the middle of the ring, face to bloody face and as the title hung from my shoulder, I held out my hand. She looked at it and shook it, having earned my respect in the ring. I walked away holding my title up proudly.

Still at this point I couldn't refuse medical attention and took the side entrance to the backstage area and headed to the doctor's office. I watched the television screen as the doctor cleaned the cut over my right eyebrow. They played a promo for the double main event to compensate for having to clean up the bloody ring, thanks to me and Summer. I heard a knock at the door and Doc called out for them to come in. It was none other than Mark Carrano, coming I check on me.

"How you doing Champ?"

"It's not as bad as it looks, just needed a bandaid" I chuckled as Doc removed his gloves and gave me a pat on the back.

"So she's clear to continue tonight?"

"Just gotta keep the cut clean" Doc laughed and I was happy to hear good news. I was originally supposed to head back to gorilla to wish Dolph good luck on his match, but here I was, getting three little band aids that looked like cute bow ties.

"Alright, Vanessa, we'll need you on standby, so get some water and head back to gorilla ok?"

"Got it" I quickly headed back to the locker room to put away my prized title and scooped up a water bottle. Even from backstage I could hear Seth's music hit and I rushed to gorilla.

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