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Here is chapter 2 (It was going to be chapter 3 as some of you may have already read)! Please, vote, comment, follow and add to your reading lists to show support! Thankyou!

Please note: This chapter is entirely in Mason's (our male protagonist) perspective. I don't usually write from first person, I prefer third, however I'm going with a new style (new to me). I will be writing Heidi's POV in first, and any other character POV in third. To acknowledge the change in POV I will have a little indicator before the chapter starts.

Don't forget I am open for R4R!- My inbox is open 24/7.

-H x

*Mason POV*

It was impossible.

Nay, it was almost unheard of.

For lower-ranked pack members, sure, but an Alpha? A pure lycan? Mason scratched his beard in frustration and slammed his fist down onto his mahogany, oak desk. He was from the strongest lycan bloodline there had been for centuries. There had not been a human in his family since the sixteenth century.

So why was he feeling the pull towards a human girl?

Mason nursed the straight whiskey in his glass and knocked it back in one. Pouring himself another, he shook his head and tried to reason with himself.

Hard, when lycans aren't known for their control.

A knock at the door pulled Mason from his self-pitying and he growled, "Come in," to the poor soul at the other side of the door. For their sake, they had better only have good news.

At the sight of his Beta, Isaac, Mason rolled his eyes and continued to drink his favourite whiskey. Isaac may have been his Beta, and in charge of the pack's warriors, but he was also Mason's closest advisor and his best friend. Isaac, like Mason, was a pure lycanthrope and built like one too. Sandy coloured hair that was neat and well-kept, with soft blue eyes and a cheeky smile, Isaac didn't look like a fearsome warrior, but he was fiercely loyal, protective and unbeaten in a fight.

"What do you want?" Mason sighed tiredly, he definitely wasn't in the mood for Isaac.

"Well, well, well I knew something was wrong when you went to visit Josie. What has gotten you all worked up?"

Mason slowly sat down in his chair, mustering up every little bit of strength he had in him to stay in this form. He was infamous in the pack, and in neighboring packs, for being one of the only wolves to truly embrace his animalistic side. Others would hide it, push it down and aim for a human life wherever possible, but that confused Mason.

Why would they hide the most incredible thing about themselves? He was brought up to be a proud lycan, proud of his family and his heritage and proud of his species. Mason sometimes preferred to be in his wolf form, 'as nature intended I to be' he would say. But, he knew that it was a dwindling ideal of his species. The more technology was developed and the more that humans cut down the forests, the more they needed to 'fit in'.

For their own survival.

"Nothing Isaac," Mason said finally, staring at the growing pile of papers on his desk.

"Do you think I'm daft? Mason, something is troubling you," Isaac responded. He pointed to the whiskey on his desk, "Or you wouldn't be drinking at one thirty in the afternoon."

"Since when were you my therapist?" Mason drawled with a raise of his eyebrows.

"Dick, I'm only concerned because you know we have an important meeting tonight."

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