Forty seven ; We Got the Beat

Start from the beginning

Senior Year.

It all felt a bit underwhelming. Movies usually portray this as the best year of high school-- ones where the seniors stand tall and rule the school. Yet the only thing a senior at McKinley had to worry about was the attack of the slushies.

Well, not all the seniors. Only those in Glee club.

Opening her locker, Lyric reveled in the fact that it was finally senior year. She unzipped her bag, pulling out her locker decorations. She pinned up a magnet that said 'Sing' with a microphone that took the place of the I, a picture of her and Kurt on the Gershwin stage, and another photo of her, Kurt, and Mercedes in Times Square.

She reached into her bag, her fingertips grazing the edge of the last picture she wanted to pin up. A smile stretched across her lips at the picture of Finn.

Her boyfriend.

She never tired of saying it, even though everyone else was probably tired of hearing it.

Her boyfriend, Finn Hudson, who she had been dating all summer.

Nope. It never got old.

Ever since New York things had been looking up for Lyric and now, she was ready to take the stage for her last year with The New Directions — her friends, her family— before conquering her dreams of moving to New York to attend NYADA.

"Lyric Baldwin," Her head lolled back at the sound of JBI behind her. "My sources say that you're officially dating mediocre Quarterback and mediocre glee club lead, Finn Hudson."

Sighing, she turned around flinching when she noticed how close the camera was to her face. Lyric rolled her eyes, pushing it away from her. Jacob still needed to work on not invading people's personal space. "Y-Yeah, I am. . .since the beginning of summer actually."

It always freaked her out how Jacob knew so much about their lives.

"And what are your plans for the future?"

"I'm heading back to New York after graduation to attend New York Academy of Dramatic Arts. Berry wants to play Fanny on Broadway, but I have my sights set on playing Marilyn Monroe in the revival of Bombshell." Lyric smiled at the camera before slamming her locker shut. As she spun on her heel, her eyes locked on Quinn — hair dyed pink, a concerning Ryan Seacrest tattoo on her back, a nose ring, and the smell of nicotine wafting off of her.

Quinn had become a skank.

If it were anyone else, Lyric would probably would've shrunk under the cold icy glare that was being sent in her direction. But she knew Quinn and this— this wasn't her.

"What happened to her?" Jacob Ben Israel questioned as the cameraman captured Quinn slowly walking down the hall. JBI motioned to his crew, taking off after the girl. "Quinn, wait up! We'd like a statement."

Scuffing the bottom of her black and white Vans on the ground, Lyric sighed. She couldn't help but feel responsible, like Quinn's downward spiral was partially her fault. It all happened when Lyric and Finn finally got together after Nationals. But to be fair, Quinn and Finn were broken up yet Lyric felt like should've at least talked to Quinn.

Making her way down the hall, Lyric sought out Finn. She promised him that she'd meet up with him before Glee club started. Turning the corner, her eyes landed on him slowly moving down the hall. The corner of her lip twitched up into a smile.

But something felt off to her; her smile quickly turned to a frown. Remember three years ago when Lyric said she had been slushied so much that she had almost had a sixth sense for when they were coming. . .

Ruby Blue | Finn HudsonWhere stories live. Discover now