Chapter two

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As we hear them round the corner, Lancelot pulls me the opposite way. He keeps pulling me along until we end up at the stables. I'm a little confused. How does he think we're going to be able to hide in the stables?

I look over to ask him but see that he's saddling up two horses. Ohhhhh, we're not hiding here. We're leaving which actually sounds good to me. I walk over and start helping him saddle them up.

When we're finally finished, we start to hear that sound of two people fighting again. We give each other a look and then nod before getting on the horses. As soon as we're on, we take over out of the stable where I see Gwaine and Arthur.

Arthur shouts, "Hey, Merlin!"

I ignored him and kept going with Lancelot. I have a feeling we'll be seeing them soon enough.

We get a fair distance away before stopping and getting off. Lancelot looks at me and starts laughing. He speaks through the chuckles, "We just ran away from the King for no other reason than he's jealous of not being your best friend."

I let out a slight laugh, "Yeah. They're probably going to find us sooner or later though."

Lancelot replies, "Well, at least enjoy the peace while you have it. Are you hungry?"

I nod as my stomach growls.

He gets up, "Alright, I'll go hunt us some food. You just stay here and relax."

He grabs a crossbow before heading into the forest and I lay back on one of our bags and close my eyes thinking how peaceful it is right now.

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