Love Potion

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What if the Love potion hit Wendy and Dipper?


The fire burned brightly as Dipper stared off into the woods. He had been sitting on his own for a couple of hours after he had ran away from the concert after he and Wendy had accidentally splashed by the cherub known as the Love God. And while, from what he could tell, his feelings towards Wendy had not changed he wasn't sure if he could handle it if Wendy started treating him any different because of the serum.

"Penny for your thoughts, man."

Dipper whipped around and saw the last person he wanted to at that moment. With a nod at the seat next to him Wendy walked up and sat down.

"So what's up man. You ran off after we tackled that big guy like my dad was after you." She said as she settled into her seat. She noticed that Dipper was seemingly doing everything in his power to not even look at her.

"Did I do something to upset you?" she asked after Dipper had continued to sit there not speaking. "Com'on man, look at me. Answer me please."

Dipper finally turned towards the girl he had loved for most of the summer. "I know what that stuff that splashed over us does and I well I didn't want to see a false you. If you end up loving me, well I wanted to see real love, not a chemical induced one."

Dipper got up and started pacing between the log they had sat on and the tree that held the entrance to the bunker. He had came to this spot to remind himself that she had already told him that she didn't feel the same. For him to accept these feelings from the splashed chemicals, well... "If I did that, it would be no better than what Robbie tried to do to you."

"Dip..." Wendy started as she reached out to him. Here was her boy, once again sacrificing something her desperately wanted because for someone else.

"Please let me finish, this is tough enough as it is." He said as he reluctantly pulled away his hand "I care too much for you to for you and well, I know you don't care for me like that. You made that clear the last time we were here."

Wendy hopped up and gently placed her hand on his shoulder. "Alright, Dip, my turn to talk."

She turned her reluctant friend around so that he was facing her. She then places a finger under his chin and tilted it upwards so she could look into his eyes. "You're right, it wouldn't be right for you to take advantage of situation. But you're wrong about another thing. I never said that I didn't care for you."

"I only said that I was too old for you. I do care for you. In such a short time, you've became my best friend and really it's gonna hurt when you have to leave at the end of the summer."

Dipper hadn't even thought of that. Man the end of the summer was coming close and he would be having to leave the valley that had quickly become his second... no his first home. Sure his parents were back in Piedmont, but his heart and his friends were here.

"But I don't want that to be the end of this. I want our friendship to continue to grow and we'll see how it grows from there." Wendy said as she lowered her head and touched her forehead to his.

"And before you start up again about that slop that the Love god had splashed on us, well Mabel and I got him to confess that he had grabbed a bottle of watermelon juice and threw it at us." Wendy smiled as she watched her boy process what she had just said.

"Wait you mean..?"

"Yeahdork. Everything I just said came from me, not some serum." Wendy said returning the loving smile she wasgetting. He didn't need to know that the Love God had told her that it wouldn'thave mattered if he had got them with his potion as it didn't work on thosealready in love. 

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