The new fluffy-haired criminal

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[ 3rd person POV ]

Y/N walked through the halls of Shujin Academy, her head down like usual. She glanced around, noticing everyone was sort of... on edge. She continued walking, but stopped abruptly, hearing something about a new student. She stood leaning against the wall, listening in.
"I heard he has a criminal record!" One of the girls said.
"I heard he drinks and smokes, too."
"Really? I heard he carries weapons around with him! What kind of person do you think he is?"
"He's probably really dangerous... did you know, he got arrested for assault? He's on probation!"
One of the girls scoffed. "Why would Shujin let someone like that in the school? Are they trying to ruin its reputation?"
"Who knows. Oh geez, look at the time! We gotta go to class!"
"Yeah, I'll see you later! Still, I wonder if we're safe with that criminal around..." the girl said before picking her bag up and leaving. Y/N gulped. A criminal at Shujin? She shook her head and began walking towards her class, thinking about the criminal. Was Shujin even safe anymore? He must be dangerous... unpredictable, angry, an angsty teen lashing out at the world...
Y/N muttered to herself, something that had always calmed her down slightly when she panicked. She walked into her classroom and sat down at her desk. She glanced at the seat next to her, it was empty. She felt herself internally scream as she realised it was the only empty one in the classroom. If the new student ended up being in her class...

She didn't want to think about what would happen to her, so she tried to concentrate on class. Every now and then, she'd glance over at the empty seat, inwardly panicking at the fact that she could be sitting next to the dangerous criminal. By the time it was about the middle of the day, she finally managed to stop herself and turn her attention completely on class...
What a mistake.
Turns out the new student was a cute new boy, 'Amamiya Ren' (if that was his real name), but Y/N couldn't help but think she'd heard it before. She also couldn't help but think she recognised the boy's fluffy hair and grey eyes - she swore she'd seen them somewhere.
She ended up deciding that, being as he was a teenage criminal, he was on the news at some point and she'd seen him there.

Turns out Y/N was right, Amamiya did end up sitting next to her. He wasn't as bad as she'd expected though, she originally thought he'd be loud and obnoxious, not letting anyone get their work done, but it turned out he was actually rather quiet. She glanced at him every now and then, the thought that maybe the rumours weren't true crossing her mind... before she immediately shook them right out of her brain, thinking that she had to be cautious either way.

The rest of the day dragged on like usual, eventually ending. Y/N sighed as she packed up her things, sneaking another glance at Amamiya, who just so happened to be looking in her direction at the time. Her brows furrowed as a slight heat rose to her cheeks as she swung the bag over her shoulder, leaving the quiet teenager behind her. She grumbled to herself as she walked towards the rooftop, a place she always liked to go and visit to clear her mind, just thinking about how goddamn familiar Amamiya seemed. Maybe she'd ask around at school tomorrow to see if he was in any news broadcasts.
She eventually made it to the rooftop, pausing at the door as she heard people talking. She couldn't make out exactly what they were saying, although she did hear something about a castle, dreams and that bastard P.E. teacher, Kamoshida. She scowled as she heard his name, but froze as she realised she recognised both of the voices. She didn't completely piece it together until the two boys - Ryuji and Amamya - found her eavesdropping. Her face turned pale as she looked at Ryuji before she mentally slapped herself. "Sakamoto." She muttered darkly, glaring at said teen.
"L/N.." he said, trailing off, "were you eavesdropping? The hell'd you hear?!" He asked, seemingly getting defensive.
Taken aback, Y/N simply replied, "I didn't hear much. Only something about Kamoshida and a castle. Leave it to the two outcasts to come up with a story like that." She said, turning around. "I'm leaving. Bye, Sakamoto. Oh, and you too, I guess, Amamiya." She opened the door and walked down the stairs, breaking into a run once she'd reached the bottom. She put her hands over her mouth and ran towards the bathrooms, running into a stall and locking it. She collapsed and pulled out her phone, looking through the pictures she had of her with Ryuji - truth be told, Ryuji and Y/N used to be good friends until the Kamoshida incident. Y/N got part of the blame, Kamoshida claimed she was an accomplice and helped plan it. Ever since then, the two grew distant and eventually stopped talking to each other. Y/N, however, never forgot about Ryuji, deep down she always cared about him. This was no different. She was shocked he'd gone so low that he was hanging around a criminal.

— ~ —

"You know her?" Ren asked, turning toward Ryuji, who nodded in response.
"L/N Y/N. We used to be good friends before... never mind, all that matters is that we're as good as strangers now. And she overheard us... what if she was lying and she heard more?" Ryuji mumbled. Ren shrugged in response.
"I don't think we can do much," he said, staring at the ground.
"You're right... damn it! What if she finds out?!"
"She won't... I hope."
"That's helpful."

A/N: so as you can see instead of going with my oc's death i went for the second chapter. haha it's short but hey i usually do some shorter things. anyway i hope you enjoyed lol

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2020 ⏰

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After All This Time [ Ren Amamiya/Akira Kurusu x Reader ]Where stories live. Discover now