"Just this for today?" The same lady who had given the man from before a hard time, was checking your books out now.

"That's all." You remained composed for the sake of not being caught. Had you not have had a few books at home checked out, you wouldn't have to steal the others.

"You still have three books checked out, plus the one you lent to someone. Those books are still in your possession?" The lady asked as she scanned your book. You nodded.

"A fee will be charged if they are not returned by the end of next month." She said monotonously. She reminded you of Feitan.

Wait why am I thinking of him? What the fuck?

You shook your head and returned your attention to Teresa, the woman behind the counter.

"Y-yeah. Got it, thank you!" You quickly rushed out, grabbing the book off the counter and sprinting down the sidewalk.

Feitan and Phinks trailed behind you, stopping whenever you did, making sure to not look suspicious. Although it was beginning to look odd. Doing a quick costume change while you had stopped into another store for some food, Feitan and Phinks looked like different people again, this time both wearing some sort of hat and sunglasses.

When you returned home you put your groceries away and rushed back to your bedroom. You could feel the pressure building up inside you. Something was going to come to the surface soon.


After three hours of reading, writing down names, and tracing those names back to your uncle, you had something. The tiniest bit of hope.

Bryce Lazarus, age 33, six-foot-two inches, or 188 centimeters tall, he is the only son of a wealthy small-town mafia boss.

A town that just so happened to be yours.

It was odd to think that there were mob ties in your hometown. It certainly didn't feel divided, but assuming every town had its secrets, you could only wonder just what the hell was your hometown was hiding?

The later it got, the more bored Feitan was getting. He was itching for something to do.

"I'm...hungry." Feitan mumbled, looking away from your bedroom window, he looked at Phinks.

"We've got a lovely selection of shit and piss if you up for it." Phinks groaned as the two looked around at the empty wrappers and bottles from the snacks and drinks they'd brought to keep them at bay while watching you.

"Consuming them...within the first hour was...rather foolish." Feitan replied, looking back in your window. His cheeks began to heat up as you began to strip.

"Pervert." Feitan mumbled as he looked away, Phinks continuing to watch.

"Shut up." Phinks mumbled as he turned away, vouching to save what little respect he had left in him.

You changed into some darker clothing, hoping to blend into the night. You had traced a location down by the docks, one that would hopefully lead you somewhere else to find more information.

"She's going out again, we'll head back to the hotel and come back once we get some sleep." Phinks suggested, he was tired, and he didn't want to people-watch any more without some proper sleep.

By the time it had gotten completely dark outside, you were ready.


Approaching the docks, you crept in the shadows, keeping your aura concealed. You hoped this would eliminate someone sensing you.

It was dangerous. This place was crawling with security guards, and you certainly didn't want to get caught. If this Bryce guy was somehow connected to your uncle, or let alone your father, he was sure to recognize your last name.

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