Chapter 1

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The cobblestones are still wet from the evening rainfall only made slippery by the cool temperature. Heels weren't the best choice of footwear but Brooklyn was trying to make a good impression. The morning wind smacking against her bare legs only further emphasized her mother's instructions to purchase tights. But on the list of things her empty apartment needed stockings were on the bottom. Adjusting the black pencil skirt she debated on taking her chances with the already crowded sidewalk or maneuvering her way through the traffic.

Taking her chance with the traffic she waited for the all-clear before dashing across the street. As soon as her feet landed on the other side she silently thanked her mother's insistence that she and her sister learn how to properly walk in heels. A skill that up until this moment had proven useless. She had purposefully chosen the apartment building across the way from her new job. There was still thirty minutes before she was expected to be there and she was already moving through the parking lot. Had she continued down the sidewalk she would have been directly across the street from the front entrance. Staring up at the tall building she took in a glimpse of what was her first big girl job as Gianna so affectionately put it.

Pushing down the nervousness threatening to show itself Brooklyn continued to take in the large building. She couldn't believe this was her new workplace. After working two jobs she could hardly believe it when the email came. Everything happened so quickly, one moment she was switching out of her office garb from her bookkeeping job at the library to changing into the t-shirt and jeans she wore for the coffee shop. The smell of day old coffee clung to the shirt no matter how often it was washed.

She'd listen to her parents incessant comments about how she wouldn't have to work so hard if she would just listen to them. They'd argue about how she was wasting her life. In their eyes her marketing degree was a waste of time. If it were up to her father she would've been married by now with more than a few children. Now that was a future he could get behind, a future he would have no problem funding, just ask her sister Gianna. The day Brooklyn walked away from a proposal was the day she walked away from her father's desires for her life. It was also the day the conversations started, conversations about what an acceptable woman would or should be doing. Gigi was lucky enough to fall in love fast and settle down. Truth is ever since they were kids she wanted nothing more than to be a mother. The blaring in her pocket momentarily startled her, speaking of the devil.

"Hi Gigi." Brooklyn said. Her eyes still fixed on the large building in front of her. Moving around the parking lot she searched for the front entrance. Listening to her sister incessant chatter she tried her best to hear her through her noisy background.

" Are you wearing that same black skirt?" Gigi asks, The sound of clattering dishes filling and children screaming. How did Gigi manage to stay sane through all of the chaos was something she always wondered. Brooklyn loved her nephews but the twins did not have a quiet bone in their bodies.

"I sure do. I told you it was lucky." Brooklyn said.

"Whatever you say, Brook. How are you feeling?" Truth is Brooklyn has not stopped to think in the last 72 hours. Between packing up her life and the few belongings she wanted, Brooklyn did not have much time to stop and think. She didn't want to. How she felt was not a priority. What was a priority was making the best first impression she could. Her life plan depended on it. Starting as a junior associate at J & R was the beginning of her five year plan, this first impression needed to be the best.

"I'm okay"

"You're lying but I won't pry. This time. Guess who I ran into!"

"Who?" Walking up the front stairs Brooklyn stood to the side mentally running through her checklist while trying to listen to Gigi. Looking through the bag she searched for her lip balm, the fall air drying her lips was not a part of the plan.

" Mrs. Odin." Dropping the lip balm, Brooklyn listened as Gigi recounted her run in with Mrs.Odin. Jennifer Odin was the nicest woman to ever grace the planet. The mere mention of her name put a smile on Brooklyn's face.

"She's so sweet, she paid for my coffee and bought Myles and Jax cookies." Gigi says, pulling Brooklyn out of her thoughts. "She misses you."

Truth was Brooklyn missed her as well. She missed the entire Odin family. Some of her greatest memories from college held the Odin family in them. Meeting Amias was still one of the greatest adventures of her life. She remembered being so nervous to meet his mom when Amias felt like it was time that she shook the whole car ride. Amias grabbed her hand squeezed. As they walked up to the entrance of their home he held her close whispering stupid jokes until she had no other choice but to laugh. Her nerves proved to be pointless because Jennifer, like her son, was the kindest person. Amias never so much as raised his voice at her even in their most heated arguments. He was always thinking of ways to let Brooklyn know he was thinking about her. She hasn't thought about the Odin's since she and Amias broke up. It hurt too much.

"Gigi I have to go."

Adjusting her clothes she took one final glance at her appearance in the glassdoor. It was now or never. This was the beginning she needed.

"Let me get that." The deep and welcoming voice called. Turning she stepped aside letting the person get by.


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