Summer Camp

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Beware Wattpad, for I am learning the ways. Saw tiktoks about this au, and now I'm finally writing about it.

Every summer Richie would go to this summer camp. It was a place out in the middle of no where, near everything and nothing at the same time. The camp was a three hour drive from his home town, and you would think by 16 Richie would be sick of this camp. Well, he definitely wasn't, because every year his best friend and crush since childhood, Eddie Kaspbrak, would go to this camp with him. It lasted the whole summer, 6 weeks, and in Richie's eyes this was a whole 6 weeks with Eddie Spaghetti. Sure they went to school together, hung out most afternoons after school, and yes, most weekends, but all the other of their friends would be there. These summer's were the only times that him and Eddie could truly be alone, just the two of them. Plus, this summer they would be councillors for the younger kids. 

"Hey Rich." Eddie said, unloading his bags from his car without looking at him. Richie had arrived a few minutes before Eddie and was helping him unpack from his car.

"... And remember Eddie-Bear. Wear sunscreen everyday, because your skin is sensitive. Don't forget your hat, and inhaler. Do you have your spare inhaler? Just in case you lose the first one..."  Eddie's overbearing mother was fussing over him as usual. 

"Don't worry Mrs K! I'll take good care of Eddie Bear here." Richie grinned and pinched Eddie's cheeks.

"Fuck off." Eddie mumbled to Richie under his breath angrily. Mrs K pursed her lips.

"Well, goodbye Eddie Bear." His fat mother got back in the car. Richie could've sworn she weighed the drivers side down, and without further ado, drove away.

"She really hates you." Eddie laughed. He pushed his brown bangs up his forehead, running his fingers subconsciously through his hair. 

"Nah, she just got flustered thinking about how I said goodbye to her last night." 

"Shut up Richie." 

"So... councillors." Richie grinned at Eddie, blinking through the midday sunlight.

"Ah yes. A whole new generation of people for you to traumatize and poison with horrible mom jokes." 

"Traumatize? C'mom Eds, I'm not THAT bad!" The pair had started to walk towards the councillor cabin, which was in the outskirts of the camp. 

"Uh, yeah you are dickhead. Remember the-"

"That was one time!" Richie protested.

"And the-"

"Oh now you're bringing up things from middle school! I'm a changed man Kaspbrak." Richie pushed his glasses back up his nose and wiggled his eyebrows at Eddie. 

"Sure, you may have changed but your fashion sense hasn't." Eddie gestured to Richie's hideous button up shirt open over a white singlet. To be honest, Richie knew how ugly the shirts were, but Eddie loved to make fun of them. Richie just shook his head slowly.

"I am hurt." He joked. Eddie nudged him with his shoulder. 

"You will be if you keep talking." Eddie muttered while smiling slightly. 

"Councillor Tozier! Councillor Kaspbrak!" The camp director, Jace, was greeting them by the front of the cabin. Jace was a fifty year old man who hasn't done anything better with his life, so he runs a small summer camp, divorced and broke. But at least he was happy. Jace grinned widely at the pair. 

"Good to see you! Now, Tozier, you have the Cougars. Kaspbrak, the Chipmunks."

"Fitting." Richie mumbled to Eddie. Eddie slapped his arm viciously.

"Beep beep trashmouth." 

Jace pretened not to notice this exchange. 

"Now, I will pretend not to notice all the councillors sneaking out tonight for the annual party for the start of the summer. And I will definitely not see ANY prank wars that may or may not happen. See you pair at dinner." Jace walked away to greet the campers.

"Start of the summer party?" Eddie asked.

"You've never seen the councillors sneaking to the forest to party?" Richie asked Eddie, shocked. He shook his head.

Part 2 coming later. Idk when. But for now, *yeets out of existence*

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