THE KITE(Short story)

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Once upon a time there was a boy called Rajiv who lives in a village in Adivaram,Kerala which is full of hilly areas.He was working in a cotton industry.His father was working as a farmer and earns ₹800 per month and his mother used to worked as a house maid in different places and she earns ₹15000 per month.

Rajiv used to earn ₹50000 rupees per month from Cotton industry.
They used to adjust their money for food,clothing,etc.They used to work day and night in order to run the family.Rajiv 's Grandma was suffering from kidney problem and she had to admit to the hospital for her critical state.For admitting grandma they used to pay to the hospital for ₹8000 rupees in a week.Rajiv 's family was poor and lots of money have been wasted due to his grandmother 's critical state.One day,a businessman called Rohan came to Rajiv 's office and told him that "We have came here to apply the name of your company so that you can be able to appear for the competition."Then Rajiv asked to Rohan ,"What competition?".Then Rohan told ,"other companies from other places is taking part in this competition and whichever company wins ,they will get ₹200000000 for a cash price and ₹10000 for gold gift voucher.First of all Rajiv was thinking and then said to Rohan,"Ok,I will appear in this competition." Then Rajiv registered his company 's name.Rohan was a chief secretary of the Hasting 's group of companies.Then he appeared for competition on June 30 sharp at 9am.So,the competition was begun and it was about 4 hours competition.So,as the competition ends,the results came out.Rajiv was very upset about himself.At last Rajiv 's company got 1st among other companies from different places in Kerala.He got ₹20000000 cash price along with ₹10000 gold gift voucher.He was so happy that he didn't knew that he will get this prize.At last his company grew richer and more and more workers came for the import and export of cotton in different countries.Thus,he became famous and his salary was raised to ₹300000 per month.After hearing his achievements.Parents was very happy about his achievements that he had done.But at the same time his grandmother died.They immediately went to the hospital and asked the doctor for the reason of grandmother 's death ,then the doctor(Joseph) said ,"she had died due to her lower pulse and low pressure.Then they buried their grandmother in the church .After that day,his mother stopped working from different places as Rajiv was getting good salary.After few weeks,Rajiv buyed a 2 multi-storeyed house and a buy a new car.They left the village and took a house in town at ₹1000000.After a few days he left from a company.His clients and his onwer appreciated him for his great work.At last ,in the morning he made up a kite and started flying a kite with his friends.His father and mother was extremely Joyful and buyed some clothes for him for celebrating his birthday party.His age was 26 and his parents planned for his marriage proposal.At last he married a girl called Leela.Leela was a nurse in government hospital.After all,they loved one another as a husband and wife.Rajiv as usual used to fly kites and lived a beautiful life with his wife and parents.He was passionate for flying kites in which he did not got the chance to fly a kite since childhood.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 01, 2020 ⏰

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