it starts here

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I might send this to you I might not you might just say true or okay or just not even respond I don't know if I want a response but regardless I don't know where we stand I feel confused it took me a lot of courage and strength to move my fingers across my screen to put these words for show for only you. I can't say I love you I know I have before maybe I do now but I can't allow those feelings to persist but I love the feeling of you on my mind. All I do want is for you to lay down with me and hold me and tell me not to get up for hours while we talk about what's bothering us or what we wanna do today or just talk about our past but now I'm just feeling a burn in my heart and my eyes burn from the tears that I had to wipe away as I wear your jacket and try to get a smell of you just to calm me down I hear things from people saying things that only hurt me more. But every time I keep my head up and wear a smile to please the crowd. Maybe if we never met my heart wouldn't burn so much but it's worth it it's worth every second maybe it shouldn't be I don't know. You say your not worth it you say your not beautiful but I can get lost in your eyes that look like a forest during the fall as the leaves gently fell to the floor. Your hair ,messy or not is like rapunzels and I can play with it for hours and your voice sounds like an angel as it pulls my soul out my body. And the feel of your arms around me make me feel like I'm in a castle that will never fall. The feel of your hand intertwined in mine feels as if we can never be torn apart. but I'm me I'm someone torn by two identities having to hold a balance between the two names I share. a name that I deem a forsaken past. I even allow you to call me it. As it makes me feel as if I'm
at home as if your part of my family which makes me happier than I've ever been. I don't know how many times I've done this. But I do know what's keeps pushing me to take the leaps of faith that the old me would have never done .your honestly the first person I've ever done this for and maybe I am just a fool but I'll just do what I can but hey maybe this all for nothing but I'm done letting people tell me things. Cause deep down I know I love you and maybe you have something for me. But as I play these words in my head when I think of you. Yas te amo con Todo mi corazon tu eres mi vida y mi alma

an ode to my HeartWhere stories live. Discover now