Inside the room, Shen Wei puts down her backpack and hurriedly finds the clothes and towel to have a quick shower. Zhao Yunlan just leaning on the bed he chose with his fat cat while observing on Shen Wei.

''Weiwei, can you please don't wrap your chest? You will be suffocated with that wrap if you go to that tomb place soon,'' Zhao Yunlan adviced.

''But, they will stare on my chest part,'' Shen Wei whined.

Zhao Yunlan sighs. He jumps off from the bed and walks closer to Shen Wei. He embraces her from behind and whispering those words.

''I will not let them have an eye on your body, Weiwei. You are belongs to me and I will protect you with my life. They will not dare to touch you with me at your side. My staffs know me very well. They will protect what I am protected,'' Zhao Yunlan assured to Shen Wei.

''Are you really falling in love to me?'' Shen Wei asked.

Zhao Yunlan nods while leaning his chin on Shen Wei's shoulder.

''Love of what? My beautiful face or my beautiful body?'' Shen Wei tried to test on Zhao Yunlan's heart feeling.

''Love your heart as my heart wants you to be only mine,'' Zhao Yunlan whispered, making Shen Wei blushes all over her face.

Shen Wei smiles to hear that confession. She is not wrong to choose this guy for her love life now. She turns her body to face Zhao Yunlan. Zhao Yunlan cups her face and leans forward. He tried to steal a kiss from Shen Wei's attractive lips. But only got a finger on his plump lips.

''Save your kiss later! I still didn't give any decision yet to your confession,'' Shen Wei said and she leaves Zhao Yunlan in that room to have her shower.

Da Qing can't help to laugh over that rejected love scene by Shen Wei to his chief. Zhao Yunlan quickly covers Da Qing's cat mouth as he didn't want Shen Wei hears Da Qing's laugh.

''Chief, I wondered for who is she that you mentioned before. So, that she is this Prof. Shen? No wonder you are missing her like crazy. So, she is indeed beautiful! But chief, I think I saw her face previously. But I can't remember when and where I saw her face,'' Da Qing said with a lower voice to Zhao Yunlan that now sitting back on the bed.

''Maybe in your amnesia?'' Zhao Yunlan replied.

''Well, maybe... By the way, you should tell her about me, chief. I can't stay in my cat form forever!'' Da Qing whined as he feels suffocated to stay in his cat form.

''I can't let her know you can transform to human. Otherwise, she will kick you out of this room or maybe she will sleep in her cousin's room!'' Zhao Yunlan warned.

Da Qing sighs. His chief is falling hard to this beautiful lecturer.

''At least tell her that I am a talking cat! I can't be mute all the days in this mute village!'' Da Qing whined again.

''That one...'' Zhao Yunlan lost his words.

''Da Qing is a talking cat?'' Suddenly Shen Wei curiously asked from the bathroom door.

''Err... Weiwei...'' Zhao Yunlan speechless while Da Qing just wiggling his tail.

''Da Qing, you can talk? Please talk! I want to hear you,'' Shen Wei excitedly requested from Da Qing.

Da Qing looks at his chief with a frowning. He thought Shen Wei will faint or unbelief on his talking cat. But now Shen Wei is pressuring him to talk. Zhao Yunlan nods a little to Da Qing.

''Err... Prof. Shen, I...''

''Oh, my! The legend said the truth! There is an ancient talking cat in the world. So, you are that cat, Da Qing! That 10,000 years cat, right?'' Shen Wei excitedly asked while holding to Da Qing.

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