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Alex and Neil were talking among themselves and were sipping their champagne. They had a nice room for a train to themselves. While two women were walking by their room one looked into their room and gasped. The other looked into the room and her eyes went wide. The first one turned to the door and knocked to get Alex and Neil's attention. They looked over and Alex got up to open the door. Alex answered with "what are you two pretty ladies doing here?" They smiled and the first said "we're big fans!" "Oh! Neil come here! Don't be rude we have some beautiful guests!" They laugh as Neil comes up to them. Neil speaks up "why don't you two come in and sit for bit?" The two nod and walk in after Alex and Neil. The first says "I'm Emma it's a pleasure to meet you guys!" She reaches out her hand and shakes Neil's and Alex's individually. Alex says "you got a good strong grip!" "Thank you!" The second introduces herself "I'm Danni. It's great to meet you guys." She waves to them and Neil says "no reason to be shy. We don't bite I promise!" Danni smiles. "Oh!" Everyone's eyes turn to Alex. "Do you guys play any instruments?" They smile and Emma says "you first" to Danni. "U-um I play bass." "And I play percussion." Neil chuckles "those are both good choices." Alex jokingly frowns and says "what about guitar?" They laugh and Danni says "guitar is nice!" "I suppose..." Emma said. Alex gasped. "I'm joking." A look of relief went over Alex's face "okay good." Neil let's out a quiet laugh. "You two in a band?" Alex's question got Neil curious. Emma sighs and says "oh no, we don't know a guitarist in person, sadly." "Also neither of us can sing so... yeah." Alex replies with "dang, wish I could hear you guys play sometime." Emma laughs and says "we upload covers of songs actually." Neil asks "do you have songs you've written yourselves?" "I've tried writing some songs myself but I'm no good at it." Emma expressed this and Neil pressed "can I see something you've written?" "Sure I suppose." Emma pulls out a small writing pad and sighs handing it over "it's no good." Neil reads over it and says "it's not bad! It can be improved. Maybe you can ask someone what's missing and improve it." "Oh okay... so what's missing?" Neil lightly chuckles and says "it needs a narrative." Emma tilts her head like a dog in confusion. "Give it a story for the listeners or readers to follow." "Oh! Thank you for the help professor." Neil smiles and says "not a problem." The next thing the four knew was that the day had turned into night. Emma said "well, we should head to bed Danni." Danni jumped as she heard her name and got up to stand next to Emma. "Goodnight you two. Sleep well." "Thank you, you too." Neil says and Alex says "How about you two come back tomorrow to chat again?" Emma nods and the two head out to their own room.

Danni wakes up and sees Emma quietly reading a book with her headphones on. She just looks for a bit before getting up and giving her a kiss on the forehead. Emma jumps and giggles and reaches to give Danni a proper kiss. "Get ready for the day and let's go check to see if Alex and Neil are up." "Okay, okay." Emma smiles at Danni and paused her music and put up her book to look outside.

The two walked to Alex and Neil's room and Emma lightly knocked on their door. They both had assumed they were both asleep due to their windows being closed. Then Neil opened their door and invited the two in. Alex smiled at them and said "well, well, well look who came back for more." They smiled and took a seat. During the day Emma kept fussing with her hair and Alex noticed "hey Emma can I braid your hair for you?" "O-oh um sure. Just let me get a hair tie real quick." Emma shyly left to get a hair tie and hair brush from her and Danni's room. She walked back in Neil and Alex's room and sat on the floor in front of Alex's chair with her back to him. Alex laughed and said "I can't reach you down there with how short you are!" She then got up and asked "well what do you wanna do then?" Alex patted his lap and Emma hesitantly sat down. "Get comfortable you won't hurt me!" Emma looked back and Alex smiled at her. She sat more comfortably and Alex proceeded to braid her hair. "Your hair is pretty and soft and it smells nice." Emma smiles to herself and brings her shoulders up to try to hide her face a bit. Alex laughs and Emma squirms a bit in his lap as Alex finishes tying her hair to keep the braid from falling out. He then brought his hands down to her thighs. He whispered in her ear "you look adorable Em. After Neil went to sleep I sneaked out of bed and thought of you." Emma's face went pink and got out of Alex's lap to straddle him. Alex chuckled and moved his hands to her hips and Emma moved her hand down to his small bulge. His hips moved into her touch as he groaned and Emma pulled her lip into her mouth as she moved to go on her knees. They then heard gasps behind them. They both forgot Neil and Danni were in the room. Emma said "u-um s-sorry. We can move this to somewhere else." Her face warmed up but Danni said "no! Um Neil can I? Y-y'know do that to you too?" She didn't even make eye contact with him as she asked. "Oh sure." Danni shyly got on her knees and Emma moved to look at Alex in shock. He just shrugged and Danni turned back around to undo Alex's braid. "Hey!" Alex interrupted though as he pulled her hair to get her attention. She gasped and looked at Alex as he pulled his cock out of his pants. Emma felt her mouth water up and reached to grab his cock. Meanwhile Danni was nervously moving her hand against Neil's growing bulge. "You can add more pressure." Danni did so and Neil grunted. He then pulled out his still hardening cock and Danni quickly moved her hands to touch it. She stared as she stroked his cock and he chuckled. Behind herself Danni heard a gagging sound and and found Emma pulling off of Alex and both breathed heavily. Neil gasped and said "holy shit." Danni then moved to put her mouth around Neil. She had troubles getting his cock down and Emma turned to see how she was doing. Emma pecked her face and gently moved her hand into her hair to try and comfort Danni. She only got a bit more in before she reached as far as she could. She stroked what she couldn't get to make up for the lack of what she couldn't get in her mouth. Neil moved Danni's hair out of her face as she got to business. Emma moved back around to focus back on an Alex with his hand on his cock and waved his hand away to replace it with her own. He moved her hair back into a pony tail and pulled her head toward him and she let out a moan. Danni moaned in response on Neil's cock and his grip tightened on Danni's hair. Emma went back to sucking off Alex and he kept her head still has he thrusted into her mouth. She took it like a champ as her eyes watered up and Alex noisily came down her throat. Neil finished afterward and his cum landed on Danni's face as she pulled away in shock. She worked Neil until he was done and moved her hand to clean up the cum on her face. "Holy shit Emma you did amazing." Alex spoke up while panting and softly stroking her scalp. Neil helped Danni up into his lap room give her kisses. Danni couldn't help but laugh and Neil smiled at her and continued giving her kisses. Emma was back to straddling Alex and they kissed. The kisses eventually got gentle and they just looked into each others eyes and smiled.

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