-Chapter 2-

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     As we arrived at the hotel puck had started to calm down and we checked in.  Granny told us which rooms we were staying in shortly after.  Me, Daphne, Red, and Granny were in room 326 and Puck and mr. Canis were in room 327 with a door joining the two. 

     Granny had made a list of what we were going to be doing on vacation and first on the list was to go to the beach.

     "Daphne?"I asked

    "Yeah."she replied

    "Which bathing suit should I wear,"I asked Daphne knowing this would put her in a good mood about the beach since the last time we went to the beach she had stepped on some glass and we had to go home early.  She still feels bad to this day. 

     "The blue one with the seashell border the blue matches your eyes and the seashells match your hair,"she replied with a smile and a glint in her eye. 

Hopefully I could take her mind off the beach. 

     "Ok so which sandles?"I asked

     "You don't have to do that sabrina,"she said obviously knowing what I was doing. 

     "Yeah, well I want to," I said looking at her with a look of hope.

     "The ones that have the seashells Imbeded in the straps,"she said looking at me thankfully.  

     When we got to the beach I took of my blue shear wrap and sat down my towel on the uninhabited portion of the beach.  I sat there for about half an hour watching Daphne, Red, and Granny splash and play in the water while Puck was poking at a jellyfish with a stick at the edge of the water closest to me with the sleeves of his hoodie rolled up and his jeans pushed to his knees. 

     "Wow", I heard Puck say after an hour of me laying there on the beach staring at the clouds. 

     "What," I asked him as I got up and felt a burning pain all over my body. 

    "I look good,"he said staring at himself, in the emerald green bathing shorts he recently changed into. 

     How could I not know he was talking about himself.  Did I forget this was the same boy you called me Toad face and dumped concoctions on me daily.  Or did I actually think this "king" cared about me.  Why do I even care.  I shouldn't I'm the queen of sneaks the only person that I should care if they cared about me, was my family; Daphne, mom, dad, and Granny. 

     My thoughts were interrupted by the pain again burning my skin.  I looked at my self and realized I was a giant tomatoe.  I had forgotten to put sunscreen on. 

     "Granny," I yelled hoping she could hear me from the water.

     "What is it leib-"she cut herself off as she looked at my red skin.  She Daphne and Red ran out of the water and towards me accompanied by Mr. Canis and Puck. 

     Every one had a shocked face.....exempt Puck, who seemed as if Ina minute he would die of laughter. 

     "It's not funny gas bag,"I shot at him

    "We need to get you to the hospital,"Granny said before Puck had a chance to shoot back an insult,"Puck, carry Sabrina to the car,"

     "What?!" Me and Puck said in unison. 

     "He is the only one that can carry your wieght," Granny replied to us looking at me with a sorry face, as if she knew that puck would do what he did next. 

     "Fine, Piggy," he said to me

    "Carry her by her waist so you don't touch her sunburns," Granny said.  

     Puck did as Granny said and carried me by my waist. But since I could not enter or sit down in the car with out my burns being rubbed against in the crowded car puck flew me to the hospital were the family met us there.  The flight was made in silence because of our embarrassment. 

     When we got to the hospital we were put in a room immediately, with me on a stretcher and doctors putting aloe on me fanticly to sooth my burns. 

     When we finally were all waiting for a conclusion from the doctor the nurses asked that every one leave so that I could lay there with only a sheet on so my burns would not get rubbed against by my bathing suit.  Granny agreed and they all left the room.  When I fished getting undressed with minimal pain do to the aloe I slipped under the sheet and called Daphne back in. 

     "Yeah," she said curious as why I asked her back to the room. 

     "This is much worst then the glass incident? Don't ya think,"I said and Daphne merely laughed at how I could be thinking of that when I was in so much pain.  After a few minutes Daphne left an I eventually fell asleep. 

     I awoke to Puck carrying me bridal style inside the hotel room to my bed. 

     "Why are we at the hotel?" I asked him

    "The old lady said you better rest,"he replied. 

     "We're are they," I said noticing that the rest of the family wasn't there. 

     "Everyone is hang gliding but us, she is making me stay behind to watch you pusface," said slightly annoying but slightly as if he were happy to be alone with me. 

  When he lay me down on my bed the pain started to comeback but thankfully not as bad as before. 

     As if he sensed my pain he lifted me from the bed and said he had an idea. 

     He carried my to the bathroom and sat me down on the cold granite counter top.  He went and turned the cold water on and waited till it had filled about 75 percent of the way when he went back over to me and picked me up and put me in the cold bathwater, at this second I realized I had my bathing suit back on.   

     As he turned off the bathwater he turned to walk away when I said " thank you,"    

     He looked at me and nodded as if to say your welcome.  When he was in the threshold of the door he turned around and said ,"By the way when I said wow I was looking at you,"as he said this he smiled and all the feelings I had at mr.7's wedding was thrust back on to me. 

     I smiled back at him and he left and closed the door also feeling as I did at the wedding.

          That we shouldn't ask for more

Ok guys I know it took me a while to finish this chapter but I had a lot of ideas of what would happen so it took me a while to decide which one.  But I hope you guys thought it was worth the wait :)



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