How Do I Tell Kalin?

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Stephanie's POV

I woke up this morning remembering when happened at the mall yesterday. I wanna fucking kill Bryce for this.

How the hell am I going to tell Kalin? Half of me says I should tell him because Kalin always has a solution to everything. But, the other half says no because I don't want fighting, cussing, police, and all of the other drama involved. I hate seeing Kalin pissed off.

What am I gonna do? I gotta talk to Starlah, Debbie, and Mom.

"Hey Starlah, Debbie, and Mom, is it okay if we go to breakfast together? I'm really frustrated and confused. I just want us to talk." I ask.
"Of course!" They all say.

Once they are all ready to go, we go IHOP.
"Okay babe. What's bothering you?" Debbie asks holding my hand. Here it goes.

"Yesterday, when we went to the mall, I went to Journeys and I saw Bryce. Bryce is the guy who has been trying to raped me since middle school. I haven't seen him since I started going to college. I saw him yesterday, I cussed him out badly, and he kissed me. So I kicked him in his private area and I cussed him out again. My problem is, I don't know how to tell Kalin. Half of me says I have to because Kalin knows the solution to everything and the other half says no because I don't want fighting or drama in it. I don't wanna make Kalin mad. That's not my intention. Help me please." I ask. I've never been this frustrated in my life.

"You should tell Kalin. Don't keep it to yourself because Kalin will find out sooner or later." Starlah says.

"Starlah's right. You must tell Kalin. I don't think Kalin would fight the guy. I know Kalin. He's not like that at all."
Mom says.

"How will he react if I tell him?! Kalin and I have been in many arguments. I'm scared to start one now." I say with tears filling up my eyes.

"I know he won't get mad at you. Its not like you were cheating on him! You didn't know it was going to happen. I'm sure Kalin would understand what happened. Don't be scared Stephanie." Debbie says.

We leave IHOP and drive back to the tour bus. I'm so scared of Kalin's reaction.

When we get on the tour bus, I see Kalin running to me. "Stephanie, my baby!" He says picking me up and kissing me. He seems so happy. I can't break his happiness with the news. But I have to tell him.

"Kalin, can I talk to you alone in the studio please?" I say looking back at Starlah, Mom and Debbie. I grab his hand and take him to the back to the studio.

"What wrong Stephanie? You look so irritated." He say holding my hand. "I am. Kalin, yesterday, a guy named Bryce, who has been trying to rape me since middle school, kissed me when I walked into Journey's. I swear, I did not kiss him back. I cussed him out, a lot. I was scared to tell you because I thought you would be mad at me." I say. "I'm not mad. I understand Stephanie. I'll go find that guy and see what he's up to. He won't touch you again. I love you Stephanie." He said pulling me into a hug.

I'm glad he understands. I don't wanna make Kalin mad. But what is Kalin gonna tell Bryce?

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