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  " I'm a bitch, i'm a boss, I'm a bitch and a boss and i shine like gl-." Donghyuck was awoken by the sound of his alarm clock,signaling that he should probably get his lazy ass up and get ready for hell-I mean school. Rubbing his tired eyes, he walked to the bathroom to take a quick shower. As he was in the shower, his mother couldn't help but laugh at how her son was practically yelling the lyrics to "Dance the Night Away' by Twice.

Once he was done showering, he walked to his closet, having a pretty hard time deciding on what to wear until he remembered that he looked good in everything he wears. He just decided on wearing black jeans, a white shirt, and an oversized green hoodie. Looking at himself in the mirror, he couldn't help but to check himself out and compliment his own beauty. " Look at you Lee Donghyuck, looking beautiful as always. How have you not had a single boyfriend in your 20 years of living? Oh yeah, because they don't deserve you, and your amazing ass," he said to himself. ruffling his hair. He was then inturrupted by his phone ringing. Looking at his phone to see the caller, it read " DumbJun is calling." It was his best friend since 7th grade, Huang Renjun.

"Hello? What do you want shorty?"
                                                                                                                                                        " Shorty? Really Dingfuck?"

" Oh shut up Ratjun. Anyways, why did ou call?"

                                          " Why do you think i'm calling? Why aren't you here? School starts in 10 minutes."
"Wait, what?"

                                                                                          "Don't tell me you forgot to set the time on your alarm clock again. "

" Shit."

                                                                                                                                                            " You better hurry-"

And before Renjun could finish that sentence, Donghyuck hung up, grabbing all of his school  stuff, and dashing to the front door. But of coarse, what story would this be if one of the main characters doesn' fall down the stairs? And that's excactly what Donghyuck did. He tripped over a sock, making him tumble down the stair case. And when he reached the end of the stair case, he was met with a lady laughing her ass off. " Mom! Why are you laughimg at me? I litterally just fell down the stairs." Donghyuch said while rubbing his hurt knee. "B-because y-your face lookes a-as if you found out y-your by yourself withh n-no food," Mrs. Lee said while still laughing super hard, making her stutter, trying not to make her son feel too bad. " That's terrifying to think about.'' " Anyways, why are you up so late? School is about to start," Donghyuck's mother said to him while glaring at him. "Uh, it's not easy making yourself look this good. Well, i always look good so-," he was then cut off by a smack to the head. "Hurry up and leave, i don't want you to be late." And as soon as his mom said that, he realized that he needed to be out the door quick, so he quickly kissed her cheek and bid her goodbye before running out the door. " Kids these days," Mrs. Lee said before remembering her son's face as he fell down the stairs, and she started laughing once again.


I tried my best. Anyways, sorry for the short chapter, i'll try to do better tommoror or something. Buh Bye

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2020 ⏰

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