"No it's tonight. And I have the perfect dress for you." her eyes lit up and she grinned.

I humored her and smiled along.

"You love your job a little too much, if you ask me." I chuckled.

"Hey! It's not my fault that I'm good at my job." she playfully scolded.

"And you're even better than I am." she added.

"Yeah right." I rolled my eyes.

"I'm being serious Amanda. You're highly requested by more than half of the clients we have. I don't know what you do but the men can't seem to get enough of it." she informed.

Really? I found it hard to believe. What was so special about me? It got me thinking back to what I'd do with a client but I'd have some trouble since I'd block it out sometimes.

Like I said, I don't mind what I do but that doesn't mean I like to do it.

I become someone else when I'm with a client. Whatever they want, I fulfill. Even though it might be degrading and embarrasing I still do it.

" 'Jane' better start sharing some of her secrets." Judy laughed.

Jane was my alter-ego's name. We never gave our real names because that's a weakness for us. It gives the client total control and we don't want that.

"Jane doesn't kiss and tell." I got up and went to the bathroom with a fake smile plastered on my face.

Jane still has to tell me her secrets.

I took a shower and got ready for the day. I put on some sweat pants and a tshirt and left my hair to air dry. I walked out and went back to my room to get my slippers to go downstair to help set up then I saw Judy hanging up a dress covered in a plastic cover.

"What's that?" I asked as I slipped on my shoes.

"Your dress." she beamed.

"Can I see it?" I walked toward her but she met me half way and turned me back to the door and shut it behind us.

"Not until tonight. Now come on, we have to set up." she gripped my arm and pulled me down the stairs.

I rolled my eyes and groaned.

It's going to be a long day.


Everything was set up. The center pieces and silver ware were placed perfectly. There were pearls dangling from the long stemmed white roses. The chandelier was thoroughly polished and cleaned just for tonight. I don't think any of us have done this much work just for one party.

As I was setting out the plates I looked from the corner of my eye I saw Judy on her phone. She looked like she was nervous. Whoever she was talking to must've been pretty serious. She finished and hung up the phone. She took a deep breath and walked back into the ballroom.

"Okay ladies! Listen up. I just got a phone call from one of my sources and they told me that David Mason is coming tonight." she yelled.

All the girls gasped and they looked like they were excited. Every girl except me. I had no idea who he was.

"As you know tonights party is Masquerade so everyone will be wearing masks. Do not go looking for him. Whoever approaches you is the person who bid on you. You will stay with that person for the entire night or for however long they paid for. Remember don't use your real name and keep them always wanting." she reminded us.

We all nodded.

"Everyone will be here soon so start getting ready. Thank you so much for setting up, the place looks great." Judy looked at me and nodded for me to head to my room.

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